Mormon owned TV station reports about JPII after other stories

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Here’s another example of what it’s like to live in Utah. One of the local TV stations, KSL, is owned by the Mormon church. The other news reports on two other stations began with the story about John Paul’s health. KSL reported on three other stories before reporting on the pope. Two other stations were even outside our Cathedral speaking to local Catholics about the pope, their feelings and how they think he will be remembered (eventually). I hope I don’t get in trouble for posting this. I’m just so upset and offended that they didn’t give this story higher priority.
That is exactly how it is here in California with the Newspapers and Television in Northern California and they aren’t Mormon owned, I think they are McClatchy. I guess Terri Schaivo has been ahead of news on the Pope. Now that she has passed, and the Pope’s condition has worsened he might be bumped up to the front page.
Here’s another example of what it’s like to live in Utah. One of the local TV stations, KSL, is owned by the Mormon church. The other news reports on two other stations began with the story about John Paul’s health. KSL reported on three other stories before reporting on the pope. Two other stations were even outside our Cathedral speaking to local Catholics about the pope, their feelings and how they think he will be remembered (eventually). I hope I don’t get in trouble for posting this. I’m just so upset and offended that they didn’t give this story higher priority.
Hi Maggie,

Why don’t you write to the station? I used to live in the South, and I thought the Baptist-dominated institutions there were often incredibly insensitive to both Catholics and Mormons. One time the local TV station did a report on “cults,” and gave a list of common “cult” characteristics that basically pegged anyone but mainstream Protestants as “cultists.” I wrote an e-mail to them about it and illustrated how they had just fingered Jesus’ original church as a “cult,” not to mention every modern church outside of mainstream Protestantism. They actually made the reporter who did the story call me and try to explain herself.

Catholicism is the 2nd biggest church in Utah. You ought to bring that to their attentionl.

To play devil’s advocate, if the station were Catholic owned and the head man (propher or whatever he’s called) of the Mormon church was ill, would you object if news of his illness was not front page news every day? Let’s face it, people are people and we all have our biases.
Here’s another example of what it’s like to live in Utah. One of the local TV stations, KSL, is owned by the Mormon church. The other news reports on two other stations began with the story about John Paul’s health. KSL reported on three other stories before reporting on the pope. Two other stations were even outside our Cathedral speaking to local Catholics about the pope, their feelings and how they think he will be remembered (eventually). I hope I don’t get in trouble for posting this. I’m just so upset and offended that they didn’t give this story higher priority.
Of course the pope’s not that important, is not like God handed him the LDS bible stright form heaven in 18whatever…😉
Of course the pope’s not that important, is not like God handed him the LDS bible stright form heaven in 18whatever…😉
It wasn’t a Bible, we have the King James Bible, and it is not very far from the Catholic Bible if you have read both. Certainly not something to make a joke of. Respect other’s beliefs as we respect yours.

I want you all to know that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have Pope John Paul II in our prayers today along with all of you, and I think you will find plenty of news stations following his progress and the good hearts of the nation to include LDS are turned to him today.
Also, add your prayers for my husband’s Bishop Wiegand, of Sacramento Diocese, who is undergoing a liver transplant this morning.
I think today with Terri’s passing you will have plenty of coverage for the Pope on TV and newspapers.
This is a very solemn day and I wish all Catholics God’s comfort.
When the Mormon President visits another country the locals pick him up at the airport. When the Pope visits a country their President shows up to greet him, millions flock to see him, it is a major news event. No other leader of any religion comes close to the Pope.
When the Mormon President visits another country the locals pick him up at the airport. When the Pope visits a country their President shows up to greet him, millions flock to see him, it is a major news event. No other leader of any religion comes close to the Pope.
That depends on which country he visits, but that is to be expected with Catholics numbering one fourth of the population of the US and Mormons a mere 12 million in the world. Our Prophet also meets with the leaders of the countries he visits, but yes he is met by the local leaders of the church first, and he stays many times in private homes. President Hinckley has met with the President of the US many times and has recieved one of the highest awards of this nation. The Pope also received the same award. (can’t remember what it is called, but it was awarded in 2004) Also, did you know that in Costa Rica, the President must be Catholic? Probably a requirement in other countries too. Which explains why the President of a country would come to the airport to greet the Pope.
You are right to have so much pride in the accomplishments and adoration world wide of your Pope. He is truly a great man and will be missed by the world, not just the Catholics.
As for the coverage in newspapers, the Pope was again second to Schaivo in today’s local McClatchy owned newspaper, although he was on the front page to the left side of a huge headline about Schiavo’s tragic passing. We are watching now non-stop coverage by TV stations of the Pope’s condition and I hope and pray for his comfort and peace in what seem to be his last hours.
My prayers are again with the Pope and with all Catholics that you may find comfort in the knowledge that God knows all, and His will be done. May you find peace in your hearts this day, through God’s love.
When the Mormon President visits another country the locals pick him up at the airport. When the Pope visits a country their President shows up to greet him, millions flock to see him, it is a major news event. No other leader of any religion comes close to the Pope.
Besides being head of the Catholic religion, the Pope is Head of State at Vatican City. When he visits a foreign country he is accorded the protocol/coutesies dictated for a visiting Head of State.
BJ Colbert:
… I want you all to know that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have Pope John Paul II in our prayers today along with all of you, … This is a very solemn day and I wish all Catholics God’s comfort.
Thanks for the kind words BJ.
Here’s another example of what it’s like to live in Utah. One of the local TV stations, KSL, is owned by the Mormon church. The other news reports on two other stations began with the story about John Paul’s health. KSL reported on three other stories before reporting on the pope. Two other stations were even outside our Cathedral speaking to local Catholics about the pope, their feelings and how they think he will be remembered (eventually). I hope I don’t get in trouble for posting this. I’m just so upset and offended that they didn’t give this story higher priority.

Why is their order of priorities a problem ?​

There is life outside the CC, let alone outside Rome and the Vatican City State - so the Pope’s condition is not the only thing worth reporting on. I’m surprised, given the size of the USA, that any story about the Pope was so prominent - especially in a state which is the heartland of a religion so completely different from that of the Pope.

I think Catholics in Utah should be delighted that their religious top man was thought to be so very newsworthy as to be up in fourth place. I doubt that Catholic stations in the USA would pay the slightest attention to the death of so unimportant a being as a mere Archbishop of Canterbury - yet Anglicanism isn’t a tiny secticule, but a world-wide Church. I think it is very big-hearted of a Mormon news service to mention the Pope at all. Especially as he is very ill, but not dead; if he had died, the saturation coverage would easier to understand. Being ill is hardly a big story -and he has been ill for a long time. People are always saying he’s done for; then he rallies. So the Pope’s poor health is an old story. ##
When the Mormon President visits another country the locals pick him up at the airport. When the Pope visits a country their President shows up to greet him, millions flock to see him, it is a major news event. No other leader of any religion comes close to the Pope.

The Dalai Lama, possibly ? They are both essentially priest-kings.​


On the bright side, maybe the Mormons learned after their president, Ezra Taft Benson. He lingered in an extremely debilitated state for years. Maybe they were waiting for Vatican confirmation.

EWTN made a mess of things for many Catholics by reporting a death that never happened.

Perhaps, in their own way, the LDS gave the Holy Father more respect than his own and waited to hear with certainty.


Perhaps, in their own way, the LDS gave the Holy Father more respect than his own and waited to hear with certainty.

Actually, you may be right. On the 10 pm news that night, their religion specialist gave the most complete and accurate news report of the local stations. She is very knowledgable (sp?) and always gives very thorough reports on any religious stories. I guess I spoke too soon, probably because I was so emotional. :o
Hi Maggie,

President Hinckley just read a rather lengthy statement praising the Pope in General Conference today.

Pope John Paul II passed away at 9:37 pm Vatican time.

Let us remember him in our prayers no matter what religion you follow.
Gottle of Geer said"Especially as he is very ill, but not dead; if he had died, the saturation coverage would easier to understand. Being ill is hardly a big story -and he has been ill for a long time. People are always saying he’s done for; then he rallies. So the Pope’s poor health is an old story. ##"
I say they know he is Holy and they knew this would be his final illness and I am glad they are doing it,maybe it will bring people home,by looking at his beautiful holy life.God Bless

Here’s another example of what it’s like to live in Utah. One of the local TV stations, KSL, is owned by the Mormon church. The other news reports on two other stations began with the story about John Paul’s health. KSL reported on three other stories before reporting on the pope. Two other stations were even outside our Cathedral speaking to local Catholics about the pope, their feelings and how they think he will be remembered (eventually). I hope I don’t get in trouble for posting this. I’m just so upset and offended that they didn’t give this story higher priority.
This is what happens when a church becomes a business. Money first. How sad.😦

I used to live in Utah and KSL is so bias I even know LDS (Mormons) that complained about it (silently though so as not to be repremanded of course). I am so glad I’m out. Of course Tulsa ain’t much better.😉 Just different religions condemning me now and saying I’m going to hell for being Catholic. Bigots are bigots everywhere and bias is bias. We can only forgive them and pray for them.
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