"Morning-after pill"maker admits to deaths of five women (CWN)

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New York, Jul. 20 (LifesiteNews.com/CWN) - Danco Laboratories, manufacturers of the abortion pill RU-486, admitted Monday that there have been five deaths of women using their medication, but denied any link between the drug and the deaths.

“No causal relationship between these events and the use of Mifeprex and misoprostol has been established,” claimed Danco Labs Medical Director Richard Hausknecht, MD. “Childbirth, menstruation, and abortion, whether spontaneous, surgical, or medical, all create conditions that can result in serious and sometimes fatal infection, and there is no evidence that Mifeprex and misoprostol present a special risk of infection,” he added.

The statement came as the company decided to include a label warning stating that serious side effects may accompany use of the pill, including death. “Danco is working with the FDA to update the Mifeprex labeling, Medication Guide, and Patient Agreement with this information,” the company claimed. . . .

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**Mexican bishops say morning after pill is “lethal weapon”
**Mexico City, Jul. 21, 2005 (CNA) - Several Mexican bishops have denounced the possible inclusion of the morning after pill in government sponsored health plans, calling it a “lethal weapon against the innocent.” In an editorial published in the Archdiocese of Mexico’s newspaper Desde la Fe, the bishops called the decision by the Department of Health to distribute the pill irresponsible, and they dismissed criticism that the Church is out-of-touch for defending human life and the dignity of the person.

“The wrong decision by authorities is leading to a moral and social degradation, the costs of which we are already paying in a society that has become increasingly inhumane. It is not by distributing contraceptives in bulk that we will resolve the health problems related to sexuality, because this activity is not merely genital, but is rather an integral part of the person,” they added.

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