Morning-after pill

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I just read a very disturbing article in my local newspapers written by a woman named Linda Stephens who is a member of NOW and Planned Parenthood. The title of the article is “Morning-after pill is Rx for curtailing abortions.” She quoted Hillary Clinton who said, “We should all be able to agree that we want every child born in this country and around the world to be wanted, cherished, and loved.” But in the next breath states, “Let’s help women prevent unwanted pregnancies. In this regard, let’s make the morning-after pill available over the counter, without a prescription.”

It sickens me to read this and I hope and pray that this will never happen. It is just another way to kill our blessed unborn children.

God Bless

Yes and no mention of the women who have died after using this very powerful drug. They want it over the counter like it’s an aspirin.

Lisa N
This is a very dangerous drug. I have read a lot of info on it. Those who support this also would like to administer it to our children in school without our knowledge. Funny how I can’t even get the school to administer tylenol or benedryl without lots of documentation from me (the mother) and the doctor, unless I take it to the school and give it to my child myself. But now they want to be able to give my daughters a pill that could potentially kill them, and undoubtedly kill my grandchild, and I not only do not need to give consent, I am not even allowed to be told about it! Such a progressive society we live in. Isn’t it nice when the government takes these difficult decisions out of our hands? What a relief! :confused:
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