Morning Prayer Routine

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My question is for those who **do not **pray Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.

Anyway, to those of you to whom I direct this post, what does your morning prayer routine consist of? Please be specific. In other words, don’t just say, for example, “I say several vocal prayers” but rather something like “I pray the Morning Offering and 3 Hail Marys.”

I’ve been praying the Liturgy of the Hours for some now – including Morning Prayer – but I’m curious to see what those who don’t pray it do instead in their morning prayers.
Well lets see…I read the Magnificat at lunch. But in the morning it would be on the way to work - a prayer of what I’m thankful for, needs, in general A.C.T.S. Then one Our Father, one glory be, one Oh my Jesus, four Hail Mary’s, one Oh my Jesus, one glory be, one Our Father. Then prayer to Mary and selected saints, then the Morning Payer and then St. Alphonsus Liguori’s paryers to Mary for each day of the week.
the daily reading from Living Faith daily catholic devotions, The morning offering, thanks to our Lord for all he has done and shown to me, mentioning of any special intentions for family or friends, a beautiful prayer for priests (I have a friend who is a priest and he helped me in a way no other person had in my whole life,so I pray for his strenght every day), so a personal prayer for him, an Our Father, and a lot of times I sing a hymn. I also try to be up early enough to do Rosary with EWTN when I’m riding my bike in the morning, that’s the best day!!!
I would love to start saying the Morning Offering again as soon as I wake up. Right now I just say some informal prayers when I wake up, thanking God for another day, telling Jesus and Mary I love them, etc. Then when we get to the breakfast table, my husband and I say an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, St. Gertrude’s Prayer, St. Michael’s Prayer, and a prayer of consecration to Mary. Then we say personal prayers aloud, thanking God for the food and such, and asking Him for certain things (for instance, I will ask God to keep my husband safe on his way to work). Then I go to Daily Mass with my son, and my husband goes to work while praying the Rosary. When I get home from Mass, I usually nurse my son and say some prayers, either the Rosary, prayer cards, or spontaneous prayer.
well i would love to try wake up earlier in the future and have an early devotion prayer but i usually wake up last minuite so my prayer starts on the way to work and the one hour bus ride into chicago. i say one our father, one hail mary, one nicean creed. then i give glory to God, say prayers for the oppressed and the needy. Also prayers for the Pope and the clergy, my guardian angel, my saint for the year (St. Francis Xavier) and our Holy Mother. Then prayers for my family and any personal intentions and Thanks to God. I try to do an examination of concious as well. I then try to say a decade of the rosary and read some of the Bible and or the book i’m reading, Theology of the Body. By that time i’m at work!!

just to note: i think its so important to pray with your family and read the Bible with them. I want to implement this into my family asap. when my daughter gets older i would like have a special time of the day to pray and read Scripture. God Bless, Matt
Morning Offering, pray the rosary on the way to work and attend Morning Mass.
I start with the Morning Offering and then pray the Psalm from the day’s Mass, followed by the Glory Be, then a Psalm of praise, like Psalm 95(96) and another Glory Be.

After that, I read and spend a few moments contemplating the first reading from the daily Mass (I contemplate the Gospel reading in my evening prayers) and follow that with the Canticle of Zechariah.

This helps me to really connect with God and then I have a free form prayer where I just talk to God about what is weighing on me and ask for grace for my family and myself throughout the day and hatever else might come to mind.

Some mornings I’ll include some other formal prayers, but, always end my morning prayers the same way, praying the Our Father, Hail Mary and Prayer to Christ the King.

On a really good morning, I’ll pray the Rosary in the morning, but usually that’s more in the evening.

I’ll also add that this often doesn’t happen first thing unless I wake up early, but usually after the family is into its routine (after breakfast).
This is what I did before I got to the pre-novitiate.

After my shower in the morning I pary the Invocation of the Holy Spirit, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, then I throw in a couple of Byzantine Prayers (short prayer to the Mother of God and the Jesus Prayer), add a prayer for healing for family and others, then a couple more Byzantine Prayers and then end with the Flos Carmeli.

Now in the pre-novitiate we meet for Lauds at 8am but, for now, I am going to keep this private prayer time too.
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