Mortal sin and cursing?

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I’m just wondering if saying stuff like the s word that means poop or the f word is actually bad even if not said in vain with gods name, can anyone help me out?
Bad language is not usually virtuous, but rarely grave and only if connected with some other reality like scandal or a special dishonor of some person or thing, or intended for some grave harm.
The s word is four letters that mean the same four letters as poop. So morally, probably nothing grave. It’s a word.
I agree with the posters before that it’s different from using the Lord’s name in vain… not a mortal sin.

But I also wonder about MT 5:22 and the word “raca.”

The intention behind it seems important… "But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgement; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, “You fool” (“raca” in other translations), you will be liable to the hell of fire. "

That seems very different than stubbing your toe and swearing.
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When you stub your toe and say a bad word, it doesn’t seem so bad.
Then one day there’s a toddler who’s around, learning a new language, and it seems like maybe ‘gosh darn’ would be a good idea instead of that bad word. The reason is love. Love causes us to make better choices.

At the end of the day, have some prayer time and tell Jesus that you would like your heart to have more of his love in it, and you’re sorry you said some bad language. Ask him to help you make better choices. In trying to improve small things, it’s like exercising our muscles. We get stronger in our determination to stay the course. Just like that toddler who is learning to walk. They might be hanging on the coffee table to get about, but in not too long a time they will be learning to ride a bike. So it is with making an effort to love. God bless.
No it’s not a sin unless we use it in vain, or wrong. Jesus called Herod a slur.
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