Mortal Sin and Novenas

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If you are in the middle of a Novena and fall into mortal sin, do you need to restart the Novena over? I mean you aren’t in a state of grace, out of communion, so can that particular Saint still hear and intercede for you? It is my understanding that when you are in mortal sin you fall out of the communion of saints.

God Bless.
Good question. My answer would be no. There is another kind of grace called Actual Grace. Even in mortal sin this grace never leaves us. This grace is God’s unconditional love calling us back to union with him. He never stops loving us and calls us back through events in our life, other people, prayer ETC. His actual grace is working in the Novena to call you back to union with him.
Prayers are still heard by God when in mortal sin. What good would the Act of Contrition be if it wasn’t heard because we’re in mortal sin?
Prayers are still heard by God when in mortal sin. What good would the Act of Contrition be if it wasn’t heard because we’re in mortal sin?
Not just heard, but answered. Petitionary prayers… It has always been my understanding that you are in a state of “excommunication” when in mortal sin. That is “out of communion”, out of a state of grace. And by confession we are back in communion with the Church.

The act of contrition is not a prayer of petition, it is an expression of repentance. What i mean is God and the saints hear, yes, but do they listen? I think not. Also the act of contrition is done during confession so this is not necessarily in a state of strict excommunication but on the path back.

Someone correct me if i’m wrong. But what is the use of prayer (petition) when in mortal sin? You are on the fasttrack to hell anyways 😉
God hears all prayer no matter what your present state. He calls you back to him in various ways. (Actual Grace) By Mortal sin a person has separated themselves from God, however, God still loves that person and sent his only Son to die for all. There is no past or future with God, all from the beginning of time to the end of time are present to God. For those who have died and knowingly rejected him right up until the end, that is a different story. Fr Corapi says that just a small gesture toward God before a person dies can save that person’s soul.
The Act of Contrition is a prayer and God does hear it. Not sure what you mean by “listen”, but if by that you mean God does not pay any attention to your prayer I believe you are wrong. God does pay attention to your prayer even if you are in mortal sin and it’s through that prayer that you are forgiven. Here’s a link to a response by Karl Keating this very topic:
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