Mortal Sins

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Hi Everyone:D ,
As i read the threads I come across the term Mortal sin’s a lot, Can someone please tell me where or if there is a list of them ?
As a ‘returning Catholic’ I’m unaware of these things…and I know I have to learn them in order NEVER to go back to my past life
Love to you All
Many Thanx
Hi Everyone:D ,
As i read the threads I come across the term Mortal sin’s a lot, Can someone please tell me where or if there is a list of them ?
As a ‘returning Catholic’ I’m unaware of these things…and I know I have to learn them in order NEVER to go back to my past life
Love to you All
Many Thanx

here you go… 👍
There is a good resource for examination of conscience over at (Pronounce that for extra amusement.)
Hi Everyone:D ,

As i read the threads I come across the term Mortal sin’s a lot, Can someone please tell me where or if there is a list of them ?
As a ‘returning Catholic’ I’m unaware of these things…and I know I have to learn them in order NEVER to go back to my past life
Love to you All
Many Thanx
There is a distinction drawn between Mortal and venial sins. Mortal sin is a sin where you completely reject and turn away from god. Its like putting the act ahead of God.

A venial sin is a sin, but it is not a complete turniing away from God.

A mortal sin is any sin that fullfills all of the following criteria.
  1. Grave matter
  2. Full knowledge
  3. Free Will
  4. Grave Matter - Ever mortal sin is a serious matter. What constitutes grave matter would probably be the 10 commandments. It is something that has a major affect on someone else or on your self or your soul. Examples of grave matter would be murder, rape, pre marital sex, theft, and taking the Lords name in vain.
  5. Full knowledge - Every mortal sin must be done with full knowledge of what you are doing. You must realize that it is a sin and that it is grave.
3 Free will - You must do this with complete free will. If you are forced to commit something then it is not a mortal sin. There are also things that can degrade someones free will also. Like addiction can degrade free will. Like using drugs would probably be a mortal sin but if you are addicted to the substance then the continued use is not a mortal sin because you are dependant on it.

Also sometimes the position you are put into, may affect your free will because it pressures you in a way. For example, the people who were in the world trade center were jumping out of the building from high floors and basically commiting suicide. Suicide is a mortal sin because it is a rejection of all hope in God. But these people were put in a position where they were burning and they were in extreme pain. They may have done it out of a natural reaction to escape the pain.

If any one of the above qualifications is missing it is not a mortal sin. It may be a venial sin though.

All mortal sins lead a person to hell if they are not confessed because they are an open rejection of God and a denial of his grace. That is why we must confess all our mortal sins to a priest. If we are sorry and we are willing to confess our sins, God will forgive any sin we have.
well then, can you explain venial sins and give examples?
justinmatter- some small white lies are venial sins. Are you posting from India? The Catholics in India are my heros, with only a few Christians in that country. Catholics in India are true missionaries. We have a priest living in our town from India.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony SFO
I’ve seen sins described as “mortal” that I don’t think really are, and I’ve seen sins described as “venial” that I think would be mortal for me.

For example, I’ve heard stealing “a small sum of money” is venial. Well, as a waitress, I took not stealing tips very seriously. For me to steal a tip would be a big deal - even if were only a dollar. It would betray the trust of my fellow waitresses and it would mean going against everything I believe.

OTOH, I remember a friend on another Catholic message board asking, during Lent, if it was a sin that she forgot it was Friday until after she’d eaten meat for lunch. I said “No, you can’t commit a mortal sin by accident.” Someone else said “Perhaps the mortal sin is in forgetting Our Lord.” But, that is still BY ACCIDENT and not consciously done.

I’d say a mortal sin is one that really separates you from God. I would have to really turn my back on God to steal a $1 tip.
bottom line there are the conditions listed earlier. It is a grave matter to commit a sin you know is a mortal sin – to willfully turn away from God.

My parish’s newbie preist keeps telling me that what I consider to be a mortal isn’t one because I haven’t truly turned my back on God.

I frequently have immediate thoughts of praying for someone or offering up my pain/struggles soon after commiting a mortal sin. He says that I shouldn’t avoid the Eucharist but rely on the strength of it to overcome my problem.

I know I am bound by my confessor to accept his counsel – so I try to just avoid the near occaision of sin and pray a lot. I don’t argue with the new priest on the block either. I am very touched by his sincerity during the Eucharistic prayers. I often get the impression I am hearing Jesus, himself, inviting me to take and eat.

There is no way one can unintentionally commit a mortal sin. Choice, intent, understanding and will are all needed.

Remember Jesus came to overcome sin and death and not to condemn us. His mercy and forgiveness are beyond our mere mortal minds. At least that is what the new priest keeps telling me and showing me.
Hi…Gee Thank you all very much, so much to learn and take in:hmmm:
I guess somethings will have to change in my life then and the soner the better! LOL
Love to you all
Deacon Tony560:
justinmatter- some small white lies are venial sins. Are you posting from India? The Catholics in India are my heros, with only a few Christians in that country. Catholics in India are true missionaries. We have a priest living in our town from India.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony SFO
yes, i’m from india:blessyou:
thank you for your kind comment
god bless
well then, can you explain venial sins and give examples?
A venial sin is any sin that does not satisfy all the requirements of a mortal sin.

An example of a venial sin would be. Say, a man is married and his wife asks him if she looks good. She does not look good, but the husband may just say she looks good.

That is a lie and a sin but it is something that was not done with the intentions of denying God or his grace, but of making his wife feel good or not getting her mad. It is also not a serious matter so it would not be a mortal sin. It would be a venial sin. It is not an explicite denial of God, but it is still going against his will.
A venial sin is any sin that does not satisfy all the requirements of a mortal sin.

An example of a venial sin would be. Say, a man is married and his wife asks him if she looks good. She does not look good, but the husband may just say she looks good.

That is a lie and a sin but it is something that was not done with the intentions of denying God or his grace, but of making his wife feel good or not getting her mad. It is also not a serious matter so it would not be a mortal sin. It would be a venial sin. It is not an explicite denial of God, but it is still going against his will.
Well, I might have to quibble with that one. If a man loves his wife, she ALWAYS looks good to him!
Well, I might have to quibble with that one. If a man loves his wife, she ALWAYS looks good to him!
I did not want to post that post for that reason, but you can probably understand what I am trying to say. I fealt it was a good example though. It’s something that is not that serious and it was done with good intentions.
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