EWTN re-ran a great installment of the Mother Angelica Live program which was originally broadcast on 1/2/96 (in case you want to order an audio or video tape of the program).
She ran over these points somewhat quickly but she stated them with some emphasis. I think they’re so important that I’d like to share them.
She ran over these points somewhat quickly but she stated them with some emphasis. I think they’re so important that I’d like to share them.
- Read the Bible daily, she said. There are a lot of ways to do this, people offer lots of advice. In my case, I have decided to read one chapter of scripture a day, as a rule. I’m hung up on Genesis Chap 4. I have to dig a little into those ending verses. What do the names Seth and Enos mean? Why is it that *that * was the time that men started to call on the name of the Lord?
- Read the Bible slowly and carefully. The Little Rock Scripture Study program is very popular, but it goes, in my view, way too fast – sometimes covering a number of chapters of scripture on a weekly basis. I’ve also discovered the online Bible study program of Jeff Cavins and Scott Hahn at www.catholicexchange.com. I’ve just glanced at it, but I already see that the Genesis and Romans studies are broken up into many weekly increments. For me, that’s the general way to go.
- I forget which way it goes – did she recommend an inclusive-language or a non-inclusive language Bible? I think it was the latter – the Navarre/Revised Standard Version from Ignatius Press by name.