Mother/Daugher IM conversation about a College Human Bio Class

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daughter: u there?

mother: yes

daughter: so get this

daughter: i’m in lab class and we’re coving human reproduction (which we already covered in class by the way)

daughter: and after a brief overview of the reproductive system, the lab instructor has two people from the student health center there to talk about birth control

mother: who needs it

daughter: and i was not going to sit there for the next hour and a half and listen to birth control methods so i left

daughter: i have better things to do

mother: any one else walk out?

daughter: but i just love how both in class and in lab, the majority of the topic “reproduction” is on how to prevent “reproduction”

daughter: no, there was some immature cheering from the back

mother: strange world we live in

daughter: it was like, are we living in china or something? why r u wasting my time and tuition to tell me about how to use birth control?

mother: we live in a culture of death

daughter: must be

mother: no doubt

daughter: anyway i’m going to use my time to read - just thought i’d share that with you

mother: thank you

mother: I am sorry for you and your sister

mother: these are rough times for everyone

mother: May God’s love keep you both safe

daughter: thank you
Something I read the other day pointed out that health education either discusses human sexuality only in terms of abortion or STDs. Anything coming from there must either be an illness to be cured or treated, or a “fetus” to be aborted. Great standards in the schools these days, eh?
At my Catholic school, our science teacher, when teaching us about contraception, said “I’m not gonna talk about whether this is right or wrong. I just have to tell you what it is.” A little better than encouraging it, but you would think at a Catholic school he would be sure to point out that it actually is wrong? Why be afraid of what we believe in?

Anyway, if that daughter is yours, then congratulations, sounds like she’s turning out good.
When I was in community college, in speech class of all palces, I had to sit through an informative speech about birth control. Oh yes, the girl DID mention the rhythm method (which the better forms are called NFP) but maybe for like 2 seconds. I wish I would have walked out, but I think the teacher was videotaping (we had at least one speech videotaped.) Now I wish I had walked out, saying that I have a right to NOT have to listen to the speech…I hated it…and there was a woman in the class that was for using aborted baby tissue to try to cure diseases cause "what if you had a relative that one day said ‘who are you’ " luckily she wasn’t presenting it as a speech…shakes head I wish speech wouldn’t have been required. 😦
In my stupid Human Biology class, the whole thing was one big scary subversive effort to put human life on the same level as plants and animals. First off, we went over how life originally evolved from microorganisms that spontaneously appeared into the diversity we now see today throughout the plant and animal kingdom. We even had a chapter on photosynthesis, for the love of Pete. They did eventually get around to HUMAN aspects of biology and reproduction, calling a fertilized egg a blastocyst and referring to the baby as a fetus on up through birth. Then they let us know that while everyone is entitled to their opinion, one “cannot reasonably say that life begins at conception. Life began billions of years ago, and is merely continued today.” It was an online class, thankfully, because i don’t think i could have made it face to face with a professor spouting that BS without trying to discontinue some life in the present era. :mad:
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