daughter: u there?
mother: yes
daughter: so get this
daughter: i’m in lab class and we’re coving human reproduction (which we already covered in class by the way)
daughter: and after a brief overview of the reproductive system, the lab instructor has two people from the student health center there to talk about birth control
mother: who needs it
daughter: and i was not going to sit there for the next hour and a half and listen to birth control methods so i left
daughter: i have better things to do
mother: any one else walk out?
daughter: but i just love how both in class and in lab, the majority of the topic “reproduction” is on how to prevent “reproduction”
daughter: no, there was some immature cheering from the back
mother: strange world we live in
daughter: it was like, are we living in china or something? why r u wasting my time and tuition to tell me about how to use birth control?
mother: we live in a culture of death
daughter: must be
mother: no doubt
daughter: anyway i’m going to use my time to read - just thought i’d share that with you
mother: thank you
mother: I am sorry for you and your sister
mother: these are rough times for everyone
mother: May God’s love keep you both safe
daughter: thank you
mother: yes
daughter: so get this
daughter: i’m in lab class and we’re coving human reproduction (which we already covered in class by the way)
daughter: and after a brief overview of the reproductive system, the lab instructor has two people from the student health center there to talk about birth control
mother: who needs it
daughter: and i was not going to sit there for the next hour and a half and listen to birth control methods so i left
daughter: i have better things to do
mother: any one else walk out?
daughter: but i just love how both in class and in lab, the majority of the topic “reproduction” is on how to prevent “reproduction”
daughter: no, there was some immature cheering from the back
mother: strange world we live in
daughter: it was like, are we living in china or something? why r u wasting my time and tuition to tell me about how to use birth control?
mother: we live in a culture of death
daughter: must be
mother: no doubt
daughter: anyway i’m going to use my time to read - just thought i’d share that with you
mother: thank you
mother: I am sorry for you and your sister
mother: these are rough times for everyone
mother: May God’s love keep you both safe
daughter: thank you