Hello my friends,
Forgive me if this post is not in the correct location. I have come to ask you what do you believe are good motivations for a priest. We will take wishing to be of service to God and His holy Church as a given. The reasons I ask this is because I do not believe my own motivations are good ones and the last thing I would ever hope to come to fruition would be a half-hearted priest. I feel a great yearning to fight for the Church in issues that it deals with, internally and externally; I wish to keep Catholics from holding positions contrary to Church teaching and falling into apostasy or heresy; I wish for those lost sheep, whether they be Catholic or non-Catholic Christians, to join the Church once again that we may fulfill Christ wish in John 17:21, “May they all be one.” If these are good motivations, please let me know and if not, please outline more appropriate motivations for wishing to join the priesthood.
Thank you very much for reading.
God bless you.
Forgive me if this post is not in the correct location. I have come to ask you what do you believe are good motivations for a priest. We will take wishing to be of service to God and His holy Church as a given. The reasons I ask this is because I do not believe my own motivations are good ones and the last thing I would ever hope to come to fruition would be a half-hearted priest. I feel a great yearning to fight for the Church in issues that it deals with, internally and externally; I wish to keep Catholics from holding positions contrary to Church teaching and falling into apostasy or heresy; I wish for those lost sheep, whether they be Catholic or non-Catholic Christians, to join the Church once again that we may fulfill Christ wish in John 17:21, “May they all be one.” If these are good motivations, please let me know and if not, please outline more appropriate motivations for wishing to join the priesthood.
Thank you very much for reading.
God bless you.