Much to Abortion Industry's chagrin, scientists find unborn babies feel pain

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The title of a new academic paper says it all: “Reconsidering fetal pain,” by two well-credentialed medical professionals, Stuart Derbyshire and John C. Bockmann.
The article is an honest, objective review of the scientific literature as it relates to the question of whether and when a child still in the womb can experience pain. Looking at the scientific evidence again with unbiased eyes, the authors’ answer was “yes,” perhaps as early as 12 weeks, and certainly after 18 weeks.
In the name of compassion, I pray that we can eliminate the gruesome procedure in which unborn babies are killed after 20 weeks. Only 7 other countries permit abortion after 20 weeks.
This aspect of complete disregard for the pain that abortion inflicts on an unborn child, objectively discredits every pro abortion advocate in my opinion. They would have a far more sympathetic case if they made every effort to protect the child from the suffering of such a gruesome death. There are no secular voices advocating for this concession in the pro abortion position and I wonder if it stems from cowardliness ie. they don’t want to upset the powerful lobbyists, or whether there is a genuine dissociation in the neural paths in the brain. Some sort of suppression in the supramarginal gyrus responsible for empathy and sympathy.

To not care about that aspect of painful torture of any living creature, is not to be human.
I can’t get my hopes up that this will change pro-choice people’s minds about this. They will just say that we can give fetuses pain-killers before the procedures. The dulling of consciences today is extreme. Underlying this culture of death is the loss of the Judeo-Christian belief that this life is good. Other religions do not have this underlying belief, neither does atheism, and that cultural despair has seeped into the West. It’s not something we can prove or demonstrate, it is a belief that is accepted or not. To be or not to be. If our life is not a good in itself, then protecting a life is not enough of a reason to deprive someone else of liberty in order to bring that life into the world.
As long as there’s money to be made by providing abortions, this is insignificant to those who provide them.
One more piece of evidence to stop abortion should not go unnoticed by the courts.
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