I found these boards just recently and have been often reading however have not decided to take active part until now.
My wife and I have been struggling for the past 3 and a half years with recurrent miscarriages. She suffered her first loss in August 2002 (12 weeks pregnant), then a second loss in March 2003 (9 weeks) and our last unfortunate event took place in December 2004 (7 weeks). She was forced to undergo D&C in all occasions, you must add physical pain and slow recovery to sadness.
I could not possibly tell which came most as a surprise to us. They came totally unexpectedly. At first we thought, well these things happen and we will get over it, let it be a soon second try. And then it happens again. We then decided to visit some of the best specialist in the world in the infertility area, IVI clinic in Valencia, ivi.es/eng/ivi/index.htm and we were under observation and tests for over a year with no apparent signs of any cause which would determine our failures.
The possibility of never carrying a baby to term was something we never thought we would face. But here we are, trying to decide which way to go.
“Time heals” some say, and that is probably right, as my wife and I have slowly overcome the situation and accepted the situation we are in. Sad days of mourning, grief and broken dreams are now well-kept in a closet we do not wish to open.
But now, as Christians, we are overwhelmed.
Gynecologists advise us of contraception. Almost mandatory, as it is more than likely there would be a fourth loss should she got pregnant again. So that is moral dillema #1.
Due to our feedback, test results and age, there is no light for us other than a fertility treatment called PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis). PGD incurs in 3-day-old embryo analyzing and testing to find out if they are chromosomally normal or abnormal. That is moral dillema #2, obviously harder to handle, but only way to have a child of our own.
No other options other than adopting a baby (which we would consider) or remain childless (which we will not consider).
I have done some research and found this: *At this early stage of development (before 14 days) the embryo does not have human form or genetic uniqueness. It is a growing collection of cells which can divide into two and naturally produce identical twins. It is unable to survive outside of the womb, does not have any organ structures including even a primitive brain and it has no degree cognitive development. *I think the same way.
Going for a fourth “natural” attempt will surely end in a human fetus being murdered again, and more grief and sorrow for my wife, my parents, my friends, and myself, so they are ETHYCALLY EQUIVALENT ACTIONS, saving that those 3-day embryos which will be discarded will not suffer, nor my wife, adding that PGD will dramatically reduce the risk of miscarriage.
What is moral and what is immoral? How can we dare to say. Can God’s will be manifested through these new advanced resources? Can the Lord be upset with me for trying to bring and raise a Christian family? I read the Bible daily and have faith in Him, and will accept whatever He has planned for me.
Thank you all for reading my message, your opinions are welcome.
My wife and I have been struggling for the past 3 and a half years with recurrent miscarriages. She suffered her first loss in August 2002 (12 weeks pregnant), then a second loss in March 2003 (9 weeks) and our last unfortunate event took place in December 2004 (7 weeks). She was forced to undergo D&C in all occasions, you must add physical pain and slow recovery to sadness.
I could not possibly tell which came most as a surprise to us. They came totally unexpectedly. At first we thought, well these things happen and we will get over it, let it be a soon second try. And then it happens again. We then decided to visit some of the best specialist in the world in the infertility area, IVI clinic in Valencia, ivi.es/eng/ivi/index.htm and we were under observation and tests for over a year with no apparent signs of any cause which would determine our failures.
The possibility of never carrying a baby to term was something we never thought we would face. But here we are, trying to decide which way to go.
“Time heals” some say, and that is probably right, as my wife and I have slowly overcome the situation and accepted the situation we are in. Sad days of mourning, grief and broken dreams are now well-kept in a closet we do not wish to open.
But now, as Christians, we are overwhelmed.
Gynecologists advise us of contraception. Almost mandatory, as it is more than likely there would be a fourth loss should she got pregnant again. So that is moral dillema #1.
Due to our feedback, test results and age, there is no light for us other than a fertility treatment called PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis). PGD incurs in 3-day-old embryo analyzing and testing to find out if they are chromosomally normal or abnormal. That is moral dillema #2, obviously harder to handle, but only way to have a child of our own.
No other options other than adopting a baby (which we would consider) or remain childless (which we will not consider).
I have done some research and found this: *At this early stage of development (before 14 days) the embryo does not have human form or genetic uniqueness. It is a growing collection of cells which can divide into two and naturally produce identical twins. It is unable to survive outside of the womb, does not have any organ structures including even a primitive brain and it has no degree cognitive development. *I think the same way.
Going for a fourth “natural” attempt will surely end in a human fetus being murdered again, and more grief and sorrow for my wife, my parents, my friends, and myself, so they are ETHYCALLY EQUIVALENT ACTIONS, saving that those 3-day embryos which will be discarded will not suffer, nor my wife, adding that PGD will dramatically reduce the risk of miscarriage.
What is moral and what is immoral? How can we dare to say. Can God’s will be manifested through these new advanced resources? Can the Lord be upset with me for trying to bring and raise a Christian family? I read the Bible daily and have faith in Him, and will accept whatever He has planned for me.
Thank you all for reading my message, your opinions are welcome.