back in the mid-90’s I took a throw away college class to fulfill my requirement for one last elective in order to graduate. it was a science class called Biology and Man, which explored topics from evolution to genetics. now, I had always attended Catholic schools, from kindergarten all the way through high school and college, and while evolution was taught as a theory, it was always stressed that it’s just a theory, and then I would go off to theology class and be reassured that God created the universe. but this class was different as I took it at a local community college to save some money and just get my last 3 credits, and the professor was a legitimate scientist and an atheist. to my surprise, I ended up loving the class and the professor, and I would regularly discuss what we learned that night with him after class was over. One night, I don’t remember exactly how, but our coversation turned to my Catholic faith, and he seemed surprised that I believed in God. From the discussions we had througout the semester, I guess he assumed I believed in science and not religion (as if you cannot believe in both). I explained to him that not only have I never viewed science to be in conflict with my faith, but that it has actually strengthened it. He was even more perplexed, so I further explained that the more I learn about science, the more I become convinced that theories like evolution are true, the more I learn about the vastness of space, the billions of galaxies, the complexities of life, etc. the more I become convinced that life cannot be an accident - that there must be a God. All he could do was look at me and say, “hmm.” anyway, the point of that story is to ask why are you so concerned with disproving the multiverse theory? perhaps it’s true, perhaps it’s nonsense, but either way, what effect would it have on your faith?