Music choices...

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Okay, hope I’m posting in the right forum. So here goes.

Over the past year, I’ve experienced a major (MAJOR) spiritual awakening, a calling from the Holy Spirit, to follow Jesus in every possible way I can. With that said, I’m still a sinner and have a lot to clean up. I’ve come a long, loooong way.

I try to focus on a few things at a time to “fix”. One of those things lately is my choice of music. I’ve always loved hard rock, metal, and other related type music. Often, (more often than not), the bands often sign about unholy and ungodly acts, sinning, like it is just another plain old day without a care in the world. They use foul language. I’m pretty sure I don’t have to really explain it all too much further.

I’ll list a few: Led Zeppelin, Gun’s 'N Roses, AC/DC, Metallica, etc.

Some of the bands are probably down right unholy and may even worship satan. However, I don’t know of any bands specifically that are outright in that matter.

So, I’ve been trying to switch my music choices now from what I currently listen to, to bands that are Christian. I believe SoundGarden’s / AudioSlave’s Chris Cornell is a Christian and from his lyrics, I can believe it. I believe Avenged Sevenfold may be too…

But, there really isn’t a whole lot out there that gets my blood pumping like some of the major metal/rock I currently listen to. I love to lift weights, exercise, run and nothing gets me pumped up like these bands to grind through my workouts.

I’m not asking whether or not this is a sin, a mortal sin, or anything like that, unless someone cares to chime in. What I guess I’m hoping for is really, just your thoughts on this matter…

If it is an occasion of sin stay away. I am not sure though whether it is objectively sinful. Intrigued
Nope. It’s not really a near occasion of sin. I detest the things they sing about (sex, drugs, swearing, murder, etc.) so listening to it does not make me feel the temptation to do or think about any of those things.

Fact of the matter is, that the songs that are just outright lude, crass and full of ungodly stuff, I’m simply not listening to anymore.

Of course, there are still songs that may or may not have lyrics that aren’t good (I typically don’t listen to the lyrics or try to interpret what they mean all too much).

All that said, Christian rock, at least most that I’ve discovered does NOT get the blood pumping like the hard core drums and guitar riffs from some of the bands I’ve mentioned. Honestly, the music is simply there for the adrenaline I want for my workouts…
Be encouraged in this pursuit. Just as the person addicted to junk food doesn’t think he will ever enjoy anything else, so too it is possible to change your audial palate.

Others will disagree, but personally, I wouldn’t recommend doing the “Christian version” of unwholesome music, because it’s not just the words that affect us. The music itself influences our behavior (as you have noted), and I would go so far as to say it shapes our personality.

You can get just as a good workout listening to Vivaldi, and by filling your imagination with untainted beauty, you make yourself more attuned to God (who is the source of beauty).
Be encouraged in this pursuit. Just as the person addicted to junk food doesn’t think he will ever enjoy anything else, so too it is possible to change your audial palate.

Others will disagree, but personally, I wouldn’t recommend doing the “Christian version” of unwholesome music, because it’s not just the words that affect us. The music itself influences our behavior (as you have noted), and I would go so far as to say it shapes our personality.

You can get just as a good workout listening to Vivaldi, and by filling your imagination with untainted beauty, you make yourself more attuned to God (who is the source of beauty).
Vivaldi… Whoa… yeah, way not there (yet). LOL. It’s not that I don’t listen to classical, because I do…I’m more hoping I can find some good Christian rock bands for lifting/running…

Who knows, maybe one day! In God, all things are possible.
I can sympathise as I was a Metalica fan - and used to work out. Metal always interested me when I was younger, but I ended up growing out of it without noticing. Now I wonder if it was ever a good thing for me. But when I used to work out I found that playing even ordinary good music with a fairly constant rhythm turned out to be surprisingly motivating.

It’s much better, I think, to be motivated by good spirits than by sheer anger. It’s more enjoyment then, less headaches 😃

I’ve fallen out with Flogging Molly, but one of my favourites in the gym was this. If I was there again today I’d probably stick some Johnny Cash on.

Though remember that Christianity isn’t ever limited to a category. Christian themed music can be alright, but all things good, true and beautiful are reflections ultimately of God. That’s why our souls delight in them.
This is harder. I hope you enjoy it. Do you like harder or softer?
This stuff rocks too, but my question is that I wouldn’t think Disturbed is really a Christian band. This is similar to a lot of the music I listen to, the words are neither good nor bad, often times because they are just plain ambiguous as to their meaning, and they don’t really talk about sleeping around, rape, murder, etc. I’ve also heard that Creed isn’t really a Christian band either.

I’m hoping to eventually get to a point where I can find bands that rock, but also have more Christian based lyrics. I know, that’s probably a long shot though.
Check out Joe Satriani. He is an awesome guitarist. He does mostly high-energy instrumental electric-guitar rock. I think it might be good for working out, at least worth giving it a listen. Since it is instrumental, you have no worries about offensive lyrics. Just now I tried looking up anything about his personal life, and all I got is that he is married and has a child, nothing about his religious beliefs, so I would say “Go for it!”

If you like Satriani’s music, or if you almost like it, there may other guitarists or bands that do that kind of rock.

Best of luck in your search for music,

and God bless you in your faith journey!
I am a guitarist…if you like guitar try this :
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