I read about a petition that requests Islamic nations cease arresting, torturing, and executing Muslims who join another religion. It supports freedom of religion. Some Muslims, from nations that do these things, deny they happen. Others say the apostates deserve it. A few admit it happens, but are afraid to speak out against it. This deafening silence extends to the genocide in Sudan where Muslims brand black Christians and enslave them. At least the ones they don’t kill. Funny how our media seems to miss those atrocities.
Apologetics and evangelization of Muslims is bound to be a growing area of concern. I hope more materials come out to assist us in evangelizing Muslims and supporting those who do convert. Pray for our persecuted brethren.
Apologetics and evangelization of Muslims is bound to be a growing area of concern. I hope more materials come out to assist us in evangelizing Muslims and supporting those who do convert. Pray for our persecuted brethren.