Muslims and political topics at the mosque

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Hi guys,

While I’ve previously read verses from the Qu’ran in bits and pieces I’ve never actually sat down and read it cover to cover before so I’m fixing that. I’m currently about 1/4th of the way through but I notice that there is a very long commentary at the end of my version that talks heavily about Marxism of the 20th century, among other subjects.

For Muslim posters here, how often is it for political subjects to get brought up during khutbah or other speaking occasions? What is the general mood towards the major political parties? I’m mostly thinking about US politics but for non-American posters feel free to chime in about anywhere.

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What translation are you using?

In the UK, Muslims who vote favour Labour, with the Conservatives coming second.

I’ve yet to hear party politics discussed in the masjid, but that’s not to say it doesn’t happen.
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English translation by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. Goodword Books.
Excellent. Many thanks.

In your first post you are, of course, referring to this:

‘Recently I have been studying Marxism in considerable detail, and have formed the impression that Marx was a man of extraordinary intellect and spirit; few men of such talent can have appeared in the annals of history. Yet, when he gave his mind to the improvement of the human condition, the remedies he offered were unparalleled in their foolishness. Why should this have been so? The principal reason is that he had made no study of the Quran. He had not gone to that great source of knowledge, without which no sound and definite opinion can be arrived at on the vicissitudes of human existence.

‘Karl Marx’s analysis was that the system of ownership was flawed by jealousy and the opportunities it gave for outright plunder. According to him, such social defects would disappear in a communist society………The idea of accountability in the Hereafter is the only thing in this world that can cleanse a man of cruel and selfish tendencies………For Karl Marx’s self-made theory resulted in even greater oppression and cruelty than in the days when political and economic powers were shared by the Czars and the capitalists. Now, under the communist system, the powers of Czars and capitalists have all been rolled into one, and it is the common man who suffers.

‘All those philosophers who have attempted – without God – to solve the riddle of the Universe have fallen into the same pitfalls as Marx. As to their thinking, one is struck by how such great intellects could produce such infantile suggestions. They are like so many blind people, trying, gropingly, to identify an elephant and declaring, with finality, that it is four pillars, or four tree trunks. It is only when life and the universe are scrutinized in the light of the Book of God that everything appears clearly in its true form; then even a person of very average ability has no trouble in understanding the truth of things; at the very first glance, he goes straight to the heart of the matter. To a person who does not possess this Knowledge, however, the universe is but a labyrinth in which he wanders, lost and distraught.’ (‘Quran: A Simple English Translation’).

Again, many thanks.
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