If someone will most likely never earn more than minimum wage, does this means that this person should never marry or date? I mean how is he going to provide for a family?
It is a quaint idea to encourage the poor not to reproduce, however, it goes against the ability of God to provide even in spite of circumstance, as the least of us are worth many sparrows.If someone will most likely never earn more than minimum wage, does this means that this person should never marry or date? I mean how is he going to provide for a family?
I did not asked this to tell poor people what they should do. I asked myself what is the right thing to do in this circumstances. I asked myself what would be reasonable and fare to do…It is a quaint idea to encourage the poor not to reproduce, however, it goes against the ability of God to provide even in spite of circumstance, as the least of us are worth many sparrows.
Matt. 10;29"Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31"So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."
I believe that any man deserves to be able to raise a family on what he can earn. However this requires a significant shift in social policy in the US and many other countries. There is an old saying… God will provide. Perhaps He will.
Working within the terms of your proposition, I would say that no, a person should not consider a low wage to be an impediment to marriage. All of us have vocations to marriage or the priesthood, and our financial state in life should not obstruct the pursuing of our vacation.If someone will most likely never earn more than minimum wage, does this means that this person should never marry or date? I mean how is he going to provide for a family?
Sorry, I should amend my previous statement to be clear that I did not intend to say that every person has a vocation to marriage or the priesthood, since some may be called to remain a single lay person or become a nun/monk. I meant to indicate that our vocation should not be put aside by our financial state in life.All of us have vocations to marriage or the priesthood, and our financial state in life should not obstruct the pursuing of our vacation.
Please Op, listen to what Petaro says here. Its absolutely correct. I do not know how old you are, but by all means do not waste your life believing the drivel some people spout off about marriage… I wish to God I had not listened to a lot of what some people- mostly HERE on these boards- had to say about making sure you had this and that. I noticed as the years went by that their speech matched that of the worlds- which is Satan’s realm.It is a quaint idea to encourage the poor not to reproduce, however, it goes against the ability of God to provide even in spite of circumstance, as the least of us are worth many sparrows.
Matt. 10;29"Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31"So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."
I believe that any man deserves to be able to raise a family on what he can earn. However this requires a significant shift in social policy in the US and many other countries. There is an old saying… God will provide. Perhaps He will.
I've noticed that a lot of ideas even touted on here are not of God. (not speaking of this thread, but what I've read in the past) They mean well, but its just glib stuff. I remember a few posters advising a young man such as yourself with the very same rhetoric you speak of here-almost belittling him (I remember this because as foolish as I was as a follower of the group, i joined in on the verbal beating, sadly- i wish I could apologize to him now for my misguided 'charity'.). Yes, it is important that a person has the means to provide and to be responsible, but no one ever knows if and when that ability will be taken away from them... misfortune can happen to anyone at anytime. Even the well off. So should people not have children at all? No. One of the first commands of God after the fall to Adam and Eve was to go and reproduce and fill the land.
From what I've heard, St. Joseph was pretty much minimum wage kind of carpenter. I've even heard him described as 'poor' before. God instructed him to marry Mary.
Its reasonable and fair that if you see you are lacking in something to provide, either for yourself or for others or for God that you strive the best you can to overcome that obstacle, out of love… love for God, love for others, love for your own self and peace of mind. If you try and can’t achieve it, have peace that you do/have done all you could. We give God our best.I did not asked this to tell poor people what they should do. I asked myself what is the right thing to do in this circumstances. I asked myself what would be reasonable and fare to do…
Why do you think you’ll never earn more than the minimum wage?
You never know for sure. But an individual may have certain negatives in their past that might make it unlikely to earn a “living wage.”Another note, however: I must object to the terms of your proposition. No one is doomed to live a life never earning more than the minimum wage. In the world there is always opportunity to earn more by working harder and becoming useful.
That might not be cause and effect, though. There might be something about some men that makes them more likely to be high earners and also more likely to be married.There is a statistic that on average married men earn more than single men. That could work in your favor!
Because he is a loser.Of course not! They should pursue marriage with even more urgency. There’s always a chance they might marry into money!
Seriously though, why does the hypothetical person not aspire to earning more than minimum wage?