I’ve searched for the answer (on this site) to this question and surprisingly can’t find it.
Specifically, I want to know the Church’s offical position on whether we must fast (i.e. one full meal and two smaller ones with no snacking between) on each day of lent?
It is my understanding that we are required to fast, and abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstain from meat on the Fridays thoughout lent but it is not a requirement to fast on the Fridays and other days of lent. Correct?
So, the difference between lent and the rest of the year is that we are required to abstain on Fridays whereas the rest of the year we don’t have to abstain on Fridays, we can do some other penance?
Also, have these rules changed? In the past was it required to fast each day of lent and to only eat one meal with meat each day of lent (excluding Fridays of course)?
Responses quoting Canon Law, Catechism of the Catholic Church, et cetera, preferred
Specifically, I want to know the Church’s offical position on whether we must fast (i.e. one full meal and two smaller ones with no snacking between) on each day of lent?
It is my understanding that we are required to fast, and abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstain from meat on the Fridays thoughout lent but it is not a requirement to fast on the Fridays and other days of lent. Correct?
So, the difference between lent and the rest of the year is that we are required to abstain on Fridays whereas the rest of the year we don’t have to abstain on Fridays, we can do some other penance?
Also, have these rules changed? In the past was it required to fast each day of lent and to only eat one meal with meat each day of lent (excluding Fridays of course)?
Responses quoting Canon Law, Catechism of the Catholic Church, et cetera, preferred