My agnostic friend had a marianic vision but

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Hey guys,

For reasons of doubt of God’s existence and limitations that Christianty imposes, one of my friends fell away (~3 months) from the armenian orthodox church and is currently agnostic.

Last night I discussed his ex-religion deeply, and we talked of his abandoning Christ and His church. I convinced my friend of the wisdom that Christianty wields concerning moral matters, such as premarital sex and theological teachings. Unfortunately, I believe my friend left my house as a nonbeliever

He contacted me today and claims he saw the Virgin Mary last night in a dream. According to him, she was in a closet and in his dream he felt his body pinching up. He believes that this vision was simply a product of our extensive discussion of Christianity, and that is not the mother of God interceding for him.

For those of you with experiences of Marianic visions, does my friend’s seem truthful and not a figment of his imagination? If so, what are ways taht I convince him that this IS an intercession, and he should come back to the Church?

Any other tips on witnessing/converting people are also welcomed


It is what he does with it.

If it motivates him to come back to the Church- he will believe it was Mary.

If he ignores it, it was just a derivative of your conversation the night before.

I believe we have MANY signs EVERY DAY from God, to show us the path we should take, or to support our Faith. Many times they go unheeded, even from the most Faithfull among us.

The fact that your friend does nothing with this, doesn’t diminish the fact that God wants him as part of His flock. But your friend must want it.

God works in ways we don’t always agree with or understand. Stay close to your friend, and show him these reminders he is getting… Hopefully one day your friend will choose to see again…
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