My Apologies (No pun intended.)

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Dear Reader:

I am starting this new thread as an apology to whomever has read my posts about various topics, or one reiterated theme, about Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX); though I am finding little fault with the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre about how SSPX originated, what is carried forward by SSPX and their members–I found myself becoming less than reasonable about Novus Ordo, and Novus Ordo Catholics–even condemning a few to Hell on the not well read, not well understood arguement constructed by the late founder of SSPX that in fact Novus Ordo is a new religion and consequently, as such it must be a false one.

One might think that I resolved this conflict. Did I? God must judge the pope(s). Who am I to think that what has been done through Vat. II has been done contrary to what one pope infallibly declares; though, in light of the times and the changes the times demand of The Church, not to truth, but to its method of transmission appropriate to the people of the times, and to their various conditions, which must taint the world that they view–I find resolution in these changes by regarding them as appropriate for those to whom they are directed, and suitable for what they are intended to accomplish by men such as a survirors of Communism, of NAZIism, and other atrocities against the rights of humanity.

Again my apologies to those whom I unjustly condemned to Hell, and no apology should be given for what I have come to understand, for what I have learned about my faith: I only wish that faith preceded reason in this case; though I suffered through the labor of reason and of experience–I enjoy the growth!

It is good that the traditional Latin Mass continues under the authority of our late pope John Paul II.

Most sincerely,

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