My Confession

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For the past year I have given advice on CAF, spoken for the Church, and defended the Faith. I am in RCIA and wish to join the Church badly. However, there are some things that I need to get off my chest.

I have premarital sex with my girlfriend, and use birth control. I sometimes have a habit of lying, for example I lie to my mom and tell her I am going to eat when I am really going to RCIA. I watch bad shows and swear, occasionally taking the Lord’s name in vain. I also do not pray very often, or follow through with what I say I will.

I digress, my girlfriend and I have decided, together as she feels the way I do, to not have sex till we are married. I also have began praying more. I need to work on the little lies and I need to tell my mom what I have been doing. I also have gotten better about swearing.

I have alot of work to do, but I needed to air my dirty clothes. At Mass today, the message was about becoming a saint. I want to be saint, but not tommorow or ten years from now, but today.

With a now humbled heart,
There are two prerequisites for sainthood, unfortunately:
  1. You must be dead.
  2. You must be in heaven.
    So, unless you die a martyr today, you pretty much certain that you aren’t going to be one today.
But, you can PREPARE to be one.

The decisions you and your girlfriend have made are very good ones. I am happy for you. Now all you have to do is fight the temptation till you are married.
Just remember, and i shall steal these words from a good friend of mine, God loves you more than you deserve. Let him.
If you are genuinely sorry, then you are all good. Baptism will wash away your past sins. As long as you are sorry, and promise and try your hardest never to do it again, then all is good.
Also, do lots of nice things. Charity covers a multitude of sins.

Oh, PS.
Throw away the condoms, and never walk into the condom isle in the pharmacy again. Not a command, a suggestion. A very stong one.
Already baptised since I grew up Methodist. Also, I try to do nice things for people.

Have you made your first confession to a priest yet? If not, remember to confess these things to him.
the place for this confession is the confessional, with a priest, not on a public forum. we are praying for you.
Remember - you can’t change the past, but what you can do is repent and try to be better in the future. So don’t let your past weigh you down. These are the 5 steps you need to take (from the Baltimore Catechism number 2).
  1. Examine your conscience - This means to recall to mind all the sins you have committed since your last confession. Praying before your examination of conscience will help with it.
  2. Have sorrow for your sins, because they offend God, who is infinitely good.
  3. Make a firm resolution to never more offend God. (Plan to not repeat those sins again!)
  4. Confess your sins to the priest. You must confess all your mortal sins and it is also good to confess venial sins.
  5. Accept the penance the priest gives you.
God Bless.
Although you have not come into the church yet, you can still go to confession. Talk to a priest about your sins.
You are only human and we all sin.
The Bible says the just man sins 70 times a day…image that. I say the Jesus prayer every day, sometimes more.
“Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God have mercy on me a sinner.”
I admire you for humbling yourself and acknowledging that you have sinned that’s when you feel sorry that you have offened God.
I wish you the best of luck!
the place for this confession is the confessional, with a priest, not on a public forum. we are praying for you.
Yes I know, but you are my friends. I value that and not only have I let God down, but also you my friends.

My first confession will be after Christmas, according to RCIA right now. But I hope this shows some amount of sorrow and guilt and that God will look upon this as a start.

Yes I know, but you are my friends. I value that and not only have I let God down, but also you my friends.

My first confession will be after Christmas, according to RCIA right now. But I hope this shows some amount of sorrow and guilt and that God will look upon this as a start.

We actually do confess that we are sinners in front of our friends in the church - at the start of the mass, in the penitential rite, where we say “I confess to almighty God, and to you here present, that I have sinned through my own fault…” So we are supposed to admit to one another that we are sinners. However, we’re not required, or really encouraged, to go into the details of all our sins in front of one another.

Been there, done that, paid for it. From what I can read it looks like you have turned a corner in your conviction for holy purity. That is great. Believe me, having a clean conscience is far more enjoyable and liberating than any illicit activity.

This is a good time for you to study the Theology of the Body. It will help you see the big picture of your sexuality and arm you with ways in which you can use your struggle for chastity to become a tool for your sanctity( which you desire from your first post).

Also, deciding to live in chastity is your authentic testimony to your girlfriend that you love her. Good job man.

in XT.
Good for you - wanting to be a saint ; St. Paul calls his readers saints …

One of the 'good 'sides of the sexual revolution has to be - how it can make many silent saints , who choose to practice heroic virtue ( which as I understand , is the definition of sainthood -and that has to depend on the extent of the struggle , not on the # who are struggling, thank God …)

May you be blessed with that inner glow , that sense of silent strenght and the many other blessings that come with sainthood - even now and here :o
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