My Dad is convinced coronavirus is hype

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Hi all I’m not sure what to do in this situation and would appreciate the help. My 67 year old dad is acting like the coronavirus is no big deal and even has conspiracy theories about it. But anyway we have two young kids, an 8 month old and a four year old. My dad works at a dirty factory that is still open and I’ve been telling him to take some time off and he will not. He usually comes over every weekend and last weekend when there was even a whisper of a hint that we preferred not to have visitors he got all angry and I caved but this week I don’t want him around, for his sake and ours.
I do worry about his mental health though, he recently divorced from my mom and he gets depressed easily. I’m worried if we do get officially quarentined I think he’ll have a really rough time…
When billionaires give up billions by canceling seasons, when Iran Italy China and the USA all agree on something, when every world leader is taking drastic measures, when bishops cancel Mass and the Pope secludes, when all doctors are saying it is serious, your dad is simply saying he is smarter than the smartest people in the world. It’s egoism. And in this situation it isn’t just ignorant, it’s dangerous. We have 7 kids and our youngest is high risk. My mom is similar to your dad. She cannot be around us now. She just doesn’t understand the situation.
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+Can you use Skype or some similar service so he can see you face to face from his home? Visiting virtually might help him if everyone is quarantined.
It’s probably not the factory that is a danger, but other people who can transmit the virus. If he stays away from others, he should be safe.
My husband is the same way, he thinks it’s an overreaction – until they closed his favorite place to play pool. Now he takes it seriously.
It’s really easy to be in denial when something so catastrophic is happening we can’t comprehend the reality of the situation. It’s so surreal what is happening when just a short time ago life was running pretty normal. I don’t think people are being egotistical when we are scared we all act differently I’m sure he will get it and fall in line I hope you all keep well. I am from the UK and I have 9 adult children I has type 1 diabetes I astma I am self isolating with my 2 grandchildren as they have tonsillitis we have lots of winter bugs going on as well as corona. I just keep thinking of Padre Pio Pray Hope but don’t worry. 🙏
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