My daughter now has a beard

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I detest the whole “gender idealogy” thing, probably especially since my baby girl has fallen prey to it for some years now. She was just by to tell me happy Father’s Day, which of course I appreciate and was glad to see her. However, I was not at all glad to see the beard on her face. I wear a significant amount of well groomed stubble, and my oldest child, a man now, wears a full beard. But to see that on my daugher’s face breaks my heart. It is clearly only the result of synthetic hormones prescribed by doctors who are willing to make extra bucks by subscribing to that lie.

Anyway, while she was here, she mentioned some law that had been signed that would prevent her from obtaining healthcare. I do not keep up with rainbow issues, I simply pray for my daughter to start behaving as she was raised to behave. So when she left, I googled a bit and located the civil rights thing that the NYT says is taking rights away, or allowing people to discriminate against, people who are “trans,” which is a whole other topic, as I do not believe that term should even exist.

But, after reading the article on my phone, I texted her the link and told her I saw no problem with the passing of the law. Was not being mean, though I’ll probably be accused of that, but seriously, I agreed with everything the article said was contained in this civil rights legislation. If a doctor denies prescribing testosterone to my daughter, I’d frankly appreciate it.

We all need to pray so much more that this gender thing be treated as abnormal, not normal and acceptable, or praised as many do. The trans deal is no more than rebellion against God for what he created, male or female. And the lifestyle, is a mode of giving into unnatural desires.

On Father’s Day, I’d have much preferred a card in the mail than a visit, and that is just sad. Yet, seeing a full beard on my daughter, is sad to me as well.

Geeeeez. Had to get that out.
Maybe this post belongs in the “Please pray for (x)” or “political” forum, dunno. Sorry if I put it in the wrong place.

Ya all take care, and pray for children to not believe the lie.
@childinthefaith, I cannot imagine the heartbreak you are feeling. Please remember that despite all of the mistakes our children make, (and as we may even have made) that God still loves them (and us) unconditionally, and always wants what is best for us. I know it is hard when our children do not heed our advice or take advantage of our life experience when we try to guide them. But after you have said your piece, it is wiser to just keep loving them as our children, unconditionally as God loves us.

I feel the heaviness in your heart, and hope that in time it will lift for you.

Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless, and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible,
look kindly upon us, and increase your mercy in us,
that in difficult moments, we might not despair nor become despondent,
but with great confidence, submit ourselves to your holy will,
which is love and Mercy itself.
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I’m sorry that she has bought into this nonsense. It must indeed be heartbreaking to see her go down this self-destructive route. Prayers for you and your family.
I’m sorry that she has bought into this nonsense. It must indeed be heartbreaking to see her go down this self-destructive route. Prayers for you and your family.
Thank you, and to all who have offered prayers. I can only leave it to God now, so I’m praying too…
This story breaks my heart.

There are women, even young women, who have to lose one or both breasts because of breast cancer. And it is a tragedy for a woman to lose that part of her body, that can nourish the smallest infant, that helps her to look beautiful, and that is an important part of her body image.

My wife is scheduled for a biopsy to see if a lump in her breast is cancerous or not. We are hoping for the best, but also concerned about the worst. We are very concerned for her life, but we are also concerned about what might have to be done to her body to remove the cancer, if it is cancer.

But then there are young women who voluntarily submit to having their breasts removed and to other bodily mutilations, because they are deeply confused about whether they are men or women. (I don’t blame these young women, because they are confused, and are often receiving bad advice and guidance.)

When there are women for whom losing a body part would be a terrible thing to be avoided unless absolutely necessary, it just doesn’t seem right that other women voluntarily have those parts removed even though they are in perfect health. It’s such a sad situation, for all of these gender-confused people.

(Please understand that I’m not talking about the OP’s daughter specifically, but about gender-confused women in general.)
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I can’t begin to know the pain that this situation has caused for you. I’m including, you, your daughter, and others affected in my daily prayers. May you all find peace.
But, there are two sides to every story. Didn’t you say that you had been ‘rough’ with this daughter, and that, if your son had ever said that he was gay, you would respond by breaking his jaw?

It seems that you’ve made it clear to your kids that you won’t even discuss such subjects with them. So, your daughter has never had anyone, within her family, to confide in, concerning these feelings.

But it is very sad that she’s done this to her body. It’s also sad that you seem to have no compassion for such people. Just wish she would have had someone to talk this over with, calmly.

If she decides she was wrong, she will stop taking hormones, and the beard, most likely, will disappear. Her breasts are a different matter.

Hope things can work out in a positive manner.
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