My daughter went back to her mom in Upstate NY because she felt I was too controlling. I may have been a little strict, but she also came from a household (her mother’s) where there were no rules at all. She was free to do as she wished.
That resulted in her failing high school two years in a row for ninth and tenth grades. She had issues with boys up there as well that resulted in cops and a court case.
She came down here in August of 2017 at 16. She had been warned by no less than five people that I am not her mom and that I am strict. She said she is fine with that and so my step-dad and I drove up to get her. Lots of head butting ensued because she was not used to rules. She was grounded, alot. However, in just one year she went from being a tenth grader to entering high school this August as a senior and was on track to graduate.
She turned 18 on November 1st and on November 2nd she never came home and stated that she was moving out because I am too controlling. I think it had something to do with a boyfriend because I wouldn’t allow to her to have a boyfriend until after she graduated. I needed her to focus on school and not boys. Last year she had three boyfriends even when I told her she wasn’t allowed. Each time her grades took a hit because she would have problems with them. Then when they broke up, I had to force her to go to school because she didn’t want to go because of the boyfriends. So, this year I told her none until she graduates.
I had also told her that the rules will remain the same at 18 as they were when she was 17 because she is still under my roof.
Two weeks after she moved out, she ended up going back to her mom in Upstate, NY.
She has six months till she graduates and I cannot believe her mom is encouraging her to drop out and get her GED, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Her mom never graduated, her mom’s brother dropped out in ninth grade do to mental health issues. My oldest son dropped out in ninth grade and never got his GED. He too lives in Upstate, NY.
I am at a loss for what to do. Her mom doesn’t want to listen to me and generally just shuts me out. I have been praying. I just want her to graduate high school and do better than me.
That resulted in her failing high school two years in a row for ninth and tenth grades. She had issues with boys up there as well that resulted in cops and a court case.
She came down here in August of 2017 at 16. She had been warned by no less than five people that I am not her mom and that I am strict. She said she is fine with that and so my step-dad and I drove up to get her. Lots of head butting ensued because she was not used to rules. She was grounded, alot. However, in just one year she went from being a tenth grader to entering high school this August as a senior and was on track to graduate.
She turned 18 on November 1st and on November 2nd she never came home and stated that she was moving out because I am too controlling. I think it had something to do with a boyfriend because I wouldn’t allow to her to have a boyfriend until after she graduated. I needed her to focus on school and not boys. Last year she had three boyfriends even when I told her she wasn’t allowed. Each time her grades took a hit because she would have problems with them. Then when they broke up, I had to force her to go to school because she didn’t want to go because of the boyfriends. So, this year I told her none until she graduates.
I had also told her that the rules will remain the same at 18 as they were when she was 17 because she is still under my roof.
Two weeks after she moved out, she ended up going back to her mom in Upstate, NY.
She has six months till she graduates and I cannot believe her mom is encouraging her to drop out and get her GED, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Her mom never graduated, her mom’s brother dropped out in ninth grade do to mental health issues. My oldest son dropped out in ninth grade and never got his GED. He too lives in Upstate, NY.
I am at a loss for what to do. Her mom doesn’t want to listen to me and generally just shuts me out. I have been praying. I just want her to graduate high school and do better than me.