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Some of the things they do are really disgusting. I don’t think it is healthy for mind or body to live with it anymore. I need some advice.

Here are some of the problems,

Walking around with pee on the feet.
Not washing hands after going to the bathroom.
Not washing hands after touching raw beef.
Watching bad televison shows.
Unsanitary surroundings.

One time my sister’s carseat had pee in it and she was allowed to get out of it and walk around. One person had a dirty armpit and touched that and didn’t wash their hands. I had to make them change this, but it didn’t work very well. I am always getting yelled at, preached to, or made fun of.

Please help in any way you can. Please, though, don’t do anything serious without talking to me first. Thank you.
Well, I can see why these things would bother you, and it does sound like there is a need for improvement in these areas. It really is hard to know what the full extent of the problems with your family are. Are these isolated incidences or chronic problems? Is there some kind of a major problem in your family that might be behind some of this? Is there a major illness, drug or alcohol problems, emotional abuse, or mental illness in your home? This is just a hunch, but my guess would be that the things that you listed are not really the “real” problem, but rather are symptoms of a much larger problem. If that is the case, in order to clear up the problems that you just listed, you are going to need to get some help dealing with the bigger problem that might be present. Sometimes when a problem is really big, it is difficult to really see it. You might have gotten so used to it, that you really need to step back from your daily routine to get the proper perspective and to see things as they really are.
I know there is mental illness…but, this isn’t the reason I believe this is happening. I don’t know what the problem is. I can’t talk it out now because so many members of my family are asleep(it was a rough night.) My family isn’t terrible. They are just incapable of seeing the things I see. And this leads to a lot of problems. Now, I have talked it out with my Mom but I don’t think she wants to change becuase she doesn’t want to become like me. All I can do right now is pray. I will talk this out with someone I know today though(hopefully)…so that’s a start.
That seems like an awfully big step…but it may help them to know you think so, thanks!
It is true that sometimes people are blind to their own faults. I think I might be able to get them to have a family discussion soon. hopeful
That’s it. They wouldn’t listen. It’s time to bring in the Church or something.
That’s it. They wouldn’t listen. It’s time to bring in the Church or something.
i dont think you have to bring the Church into it…if it is an issue of unsanitary or unhygenic surroundings or practices perhaps a doctor or nurse can speak with your family?
Sometimes it’s easier for people to hear something from a respected outsider than from “one of their own”. If they will not listen to you regarding hygiene, I think asking your doctor or a health worker to speak to them is a good idea. Or perhaps a trusted family friend or a relative?

If this is not possible perhaps you could seek out interesting books or internet/magazine articles on household management and health issues to share with them. If this is even too pro-active for their liking, just read them yourself and leave them lying around the house…hopefully your family will pick them up and browse through them? :o

Perhaps for now, try to do as much of the cleaning as you can yourself, as you are the only one to acknowledge the problem. I guess you are already trying to do this. Is this why you get yelled at and made fun of? 😦

It sounds as if you are already carrying a lot of the weight of your family’s difficulties on your shoulders twohearts. Did you get to speak with your friend about it all? Perhaps it is time to call on the Church for help - for some support for yourself, someone to talk to about the struggles your family is going through. I am sure they will keep your information strictly confidential and they would also be able to direct you in seeking further assistance.

Keep praying! Your family are blessed to have you! 🙂 I will remember you in my rosary tonight, take care of yourself twohearts! 👋
Well, I was thinking of bringing in a trusted friend and having them give my family a nudge in the right direction. Thanks for your help, everyone.
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