My Favorite Law & Order characters

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My favorite Law & Order characters were:
District Attorney – Adam Schiff.
Main ADA – Jack McCoy
Top assistant ADA – (tie) Abbie Carmichael, Jamie Ross
LT – Anita Van Buren
Top detective – Lenny Briscoe
Top detective partner – Rey Curtis
ME - Elizabeth Rodgers
Favorite judges – Paul Kaylin (Dominic Chianese), Deborah Bourke (Donna Hanover), and Janice Goldberg (Fran Lebowitz)
Favorite guest perps – Too many to list.
I thought Ben Stone was a great ADA. I also liked the partnership between Briscoe and Logan. Dr. Skoda was a great psychiatrist. My favorite defense attorney was Danielle Melnick.
Adam Schiff (constantly telling the attorneys to “Take a plea!” which in real life they would have done), Lenny Briscoe, and Ben Stone.

I liked most of the police characters on the original show. Disliked most of the prosecutors except Schiff and Stone. Waterston’s character Jack McCoy was one of THE most consistently annoying characters I ever sat through multiple shows of. Unrealistic and a pain in the neck!

I watched almost nothing of the many spin-offs.
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As far as ADAs, I’d give a slight edge of McCoy over Stone and then probably Casey Novak.

One of my favorite Ben Stone scenes is when a criminal’s lawyer had a client who was going to get charges from Brooklyn. The lawyer wanted to cut a deal, and Stone specifically told him that it would cover all charges in New York County in exchange for his client’s testimony. After the trial at the end of the episode the client gets arrested and the lawyer complained that they had a deal. Stone explains that it was for charges in New York County, and Brooklyn is in Kings County.
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