I’m sure you know this, but as a Catholic, you are required to get married in the Church. If she isn’t ready to talk to a priest, then you can’t get married right now, I’d figure, unless you could get some type of dispensation.
My spouse did not want a nuptual mass (didn’t want to receive Eucharist), just a marriage ceremony (in the Church). The priest kept up the pressure and we did end up having a mass as well. I’m glad that came about. We are both Catholics for real now, and I don’t know if that ever would have happened if Father B hadn’t been so persistent. Thank you Father B!
Having a spouse not of the same religion and in fact hostile towards it is a huge cross. My aunt and uncle are like that. Basically their kids all fled to a neutral, third-party religion.
You’ve left out some details, but I’m sure there is a reason your fiancee is so reluctant. Patience may help, but if she is really hurt or angry, that may never change. This is the sort of issue that I would feel has to be worked out before you marry, not after. You are Catholic, and it needs to be acceptable to her that you are because, well, that is part of who you are, and she needs to accept you to marry you.
I hope it comes about okay for you!