My forgetful husband

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I’ve gotten a lot of great advice on how to get my husband to help me with house work from you ladies. Some things have worked, others have not. We’ve been married for almost two years now and I think we’ve finally established who does what around the home. My husband has only three basic chores that he is always responsable for. Here’s the problem, though. He forgets to do them ALL the time. I have to remind him over and over and over again.

Yesterday, I worked from 11-8:30 and he worked from 7-2:30. I left a note for him reminding him of the things he needed to do before picking me up from work that day. He had SIX hours to compleat his task. Here’s the problem, I wrote the note on a word document and set it up so when he turned on the computer, it would be right there in size 30 font. He came home for lunch, though, red the note and closed the word document. so, when he got home at the end of the day, no note, and he didn’t do any of the thigns I asked him to do. He said, “I just forgot. I didn’t think about it.”

We got into a discussion about it last night and he’s like, “you need to keep reminding me to do this stuff” I said to him that he shouldn’t have to be reminded. No one reminds me that it’s time to do the laundry, I just know it needs to get done. No one reminds him that he needs a shower or to brush his teeth, he just knows to do them. These things should be second nature to him now. I’m trying to get him to come home from work and say to himself, “what are my chores? this this and that. which one of them needs done today?” I don’t know what to do! I try sweet talking him and giving him praise and glory when he does SOMETHING, but it’s frustrating to treat him like a five year old when it comes to house work. Stickey notes work sometimes, but sometimes, he just sets them aside and forgets about them. He needs his “relaxing” time when he first gets home.

Does anyone else out there have an absent minded hubby? what do you do? tatoo it on his arm?
any suggestions would be great.

He is just forgetful, I will ask him to do something but if I don’t remind him then chances are he just forgets. I understand how frustrating it is and I wish I had advice for you but I don’t. We have only been married for 7 months but his forgetfulness has caused more than a few tense moments. I have been praying about it a lot and have decided that God wants me to accept my hubby as he is and help him learn to remember things. I would love to hear how you deal with it, it never occurred to me that there are other ladies out there with forgetful hubbies!

I will keep you in my prayers,
You might not like this Sue but my hubby said (and I tend to agree) that hubby isn’t really forgetting. He doesn’t want to do them, so he doesn’t. Then he says he forgot because if he said he didn’t feel like doing it that wouldn’t go over well. Unfortunately my hubby doesn’t have any real good advice. He asked what are his chores?
If you’re wondering why my hubby thinks your hubby isn’t really forgetting it’s because he used to be the forgetful hubby too. Your post sounded very familiar so I had my husband read it to see if he thought what I did. It took about eight years of marriage before things improved. Of course I was married young so I think hubby just finally matured enough to take responsibility around the house. Up until then it was pretty much like pulling teeth.
I’ve been married for 17 years. I absolutely refuse to do his chores. If that means the garbage is spilling out of the trash can I just get a plastic bag and put it in it on top of the can. If you do the chores and keep reminding him you become his mother. Someone you don’t want to be. They are his and he is an adult. Will it be unpleasant for you? Yes, but suck it up for a while. When you feel like you can take it one more minute, then leave the house and do something for your self or say the rosary. You are right he is an adult and it is time he starts acting like one. The flip side is you can’t change him, you can only change yourself. I’ve got one who couldn’t find his way out a wet paper bag. Last night he was looking for something and I was watching TV. It started with the “do you know were it is.” I gave several suggestions, but didn’t do my normal routine of getting up and finding it for him. Finally he wasn’t able to find it. I said I would look for it sometime later this week. He came back and told me forget it he found another way to get what he needed. I didn’t change him, I just changed my response to him and low and behold he figured it out himself.
I’ve gotten a lot of great advice on how to get my husband to help me with house work from you ladies. Some things have worked, others have not. We’ve been married for almost two years now and I think we’ve finally established who does what around the home. My husband has only three basic chores that he is always responsable for. Here’s the problem, though. He forgets to do them ALL the time. I have to remind him over and over and over again.

stop reminding him
no notes, no emails, no verbal reminders, no nagging.
simply leave the chores undone. Do not react to the fact that they remain undone.

you think you two have negotiated the division of labor, but he does not think so. He has not agreed with your plan, and he is proving it by “forgetting”. You need to go back to the negotiating table, and this time resolve the underlying issues that were not addressed the first time, and come up with a plan that will work.

if you agree that his job is cleaning the floors, come up with a mutually agreeable time, say once a week, make sure he knows how to do it, and let him go. Men love technology, when we got a steamer my floors suddenly became spotless. Do not criticize the way he does the task, do not go back and do it over, make no comment at all that isn’t positive. Honey, it feels so comfortable when the floor is clean, it makes the whole house feel clean. NEVER make a negative or back-handed compliment: honey the floor looks great but you forgot to shake out the throw rugs.
I personally do not understand the “honey do” list. I work all day and if I came home to a list of “chores” that are “my” responsibility I think I would feel at least a little rebellious. Who wants to be hit with a list of requirements as soon as they walk in the door? Chores should obviously be done together as a couple but at the same time…how many women would appreciate if their husband had a list of chores waiting for them when they got home?
You might not like this Sue but my hubby said (and I tend to agree) that hubby isn’t really forgetting. He doesn’t want to do them, so he doesn’t.
Spot on! This man simply does not want to do them.
I bet he remembers when his favorite programs are on. I bet he remembers tasks at work. I bet your hubby has a fabulous memory for the things that are important and essential for him.

Chores are not evidently.

Don’t enable him by doing the chores. Enabling is bad because he gets away with not contributing or picking and choosing the chores he wants like a little kid. Can you pick the chores you want to do in order to make your household a functioning one? Nope. Laundry and grocery shopping needs to be done.

Good luck.
I feel so bad for all the perfect wives after reading these posts. 😉
We got into a discussion about it last night and he’s like, “you need to keep reminding me to do this stuff” .
What does that do? Makes you the one responsible. Quit leaving notes and don’t even think about doing his chores.
I feel so bad for all the perfect wives after reading these posts. 😉
No spouse needs to be a child. Everyone must pull the weight at home - not just one perfect wife. 😦

And a wife should not be forced to nag her husband about chores as she would do with a child.
Thanks everyone.

you asked what my husband’s responsabilities are. here they are.

when he works early in the day and I work late, he is supposed to make sure that any dishes that are in the sink get cleaned before I get home because when I get home, it’s our together time.

he needs to keep the litter box clean because the smell of the cat pee causes my nose to bleed. (long story, but I have problems with the veins in my nose)

he takes out the trash and sometimes, if I am working a full week, he does the vacuming.

we discussed this a long time ago and I felt that we had come to an agreenment on what he could reasonably help me with.

someone suggested that I don’t say anything negative when he does do something. trust me, I do NOT do that. if he even washes just one dish, I’ve learned to hug and kiss all over him and thank him a million times.

You’re probably right that he isn’t exactly “forgetting” he just has a conveniant short memory. but he is forgetful. he has forgotten to pick me up from work before. He’s just a natural spacy person. and actually, he does forget about his favorite TV shows sometimes. so I think it’s a little bit of both.

The one chore that seems to be the hardest is the kitchen. A lot of the time, I go to work at around 1 in the afternoon. he comes home for a nice home made lunch at 11 and after lunch is over, I have to get the dog out and do a couple of other things before walking to work. So the luch dishes don’t get washed. this is always a problem. he just “doesn’t go to the kitchen after work” so he “Just doesn’t even think about the dishes”. I would like for him to just know that before I get home from work, the whopping 5 or 6 dishes in the sink need to be clean and the counters need a quick whipe up.
. So the luch dishes don’t get washed. this is always a problem. he just “doesn’t go to the kitchen after work” so he “Just doesn’t even think about the dishes”. I would like for him to just know that before I get home from work, the whopping 5 or 6 dishes in the sink need to be clean and the counters need a quick whipe up.
put the remote in the kitchen before you leave, then he will have to go in there (or his favorite T-shirt or whatever he wears after work).

some of our answers probably sound facetious but it is true men and women are on two different planets when it comes to chores, because we do have different radar screens. I never notice when the grass is long, weeds need pulling or truck is dirty, but he does. and true, some men are just space cadets in general (so are some ladies) so the problem is deeper, how to help them connect with life in general, and get down to the reasons why they avoid thinking about responsibilities. That probably means the person has to recognize the problem, want to change, and take positive steps themselves.

The only think us oldies can prove from experience is that nagging never helps and only makes marriages worse.
Have you ever ben to the Flylady website? If not, I highly recommend it. There are some great tips on there that can minimize both you and your husband’s “load”.

One thing I would recommend - do not put dishes in the sink. Put them in the dishwasher. Never sit a dish in the sink. That way the hardest task is turning the dishwasher on at night.

As for the other stuff, I don’t have mcuh advice. Saturday mornings my husband and I both are cleaning. Picking up, changing laundry, etc. We don’t have “chores”, we just use that time to do what needs to get done. We have a cleaning service that comes during the week to do the real “cleaning”. If you are spending a lot of time with housework, maybe hiring someone to come and dust, vacuum, clean the kitchen, etc would be worth it? It DEFINITELY was for me!
Have you ever ben to the Flylady website? If not, I highly recommend it. There are some great tips on there that can minimize both you and your husband’s “load”.

One thing I would recommend - do not put dishes in the sink. Put them in the dishwasher. Never sit a dish in the sink. That way the hardest task is turning the dishwasher on at night.

As for the other stuff, I don’t have mcuh advice. Saturday mornings my husband and I both are cleaning. Picking up, changing laundry, etc. We don’t have “chores”, we just use that time to do what needs to get done. We have a cleaning service that comes during the week to do the real “cleaning”. If you are spending a lot of time with housework, maybe hiring someone to come and dust, vacuum, clean the kitchen, etc would be worth it? It DEFINITELY was for me!
Two problems here;
1 our dishwasher is a piece of junk and we only use it as our dry rack. we live in an apartment.
  1. we both work in grocery stores and CANNOT afford to hire someone to come and clean.
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