I’ve gotten a lot of great advice on how to get my husband to help me with house work from you ladies. Some things have worked, others have not. We’ve been married for almost two years now and I think we’ve finally established who does what around the home. My husband has only three basic chores that he is always responsable for. Here’s the problem, though. He forgets to do them ALL the time. I have to remind him over and over and over again.
Yesterday, I worked from 11-8:30 and he worked from 7-2:30. I left a note for him reminding him of the things he needed to do before picking me up from work that day. He had SIX hours to compleat his task. Here’s the problem, I wrote the note on a word document and set it up so when he turned on the computer, it would be right there in size 30 font. He came home for lunch, though, red the note and closed the word document. so, when he got home at the end of the day, no note, and he didn’t do any of the thigns I asked him to do. He said, “I just forgot. I didn’t think about it.”
We got into a discussion about it last night and he’s like, “you need to keep reminding me to do this stuff” I said to him that he shouldn’t have to be reminded. No one reminds me that it’s time to do the laundry, I just know it needs to get done. No one reminds him that he needs a shower or to brush his teeth, he just knows to do them. These things should be second nature to him now. I’m trying to get him to come home from work and say to himself, “what are my chores? this this and that. which one of them needs done today?” I don’t know what to do! I try sweet talking him and giving him praise and glory when he does SOMETHING, but it’s frustrating to treat him like a five year old when it comes to house work. Stickey notes work sometimes, but sometimes, he just sets them aside and forgets about them. He needs his “relaxing” time when he first gets home.
Does anyone else out there have an absent minded hubby? what do you do? tatoo it on his arm?
any suggestions would be great.
Yesterday, I worked from 11-8:30 and he worked from 7-2:30. I left a note for him reminding him of the things he needed to do before picking me up from work that day. He had SIX hours to compleat his task. Here’s the problem, I wrote the note on a word document and set it up so when he turned on the computer, it would be right there in size 30 font. He came home for lunch, though, red the note and closed the word document. so, when he got home at the end of the day, no note, and he didn’t do any of the thigns I asked him to do. He said, “I just forgot. I didn’t think about it.”
We got into a discussion about it last night and he’s like, “you need to keep reminding me to do this stuff” I said to him that he shouldn’t have to be reminded. No one reminds me that it’s time to do the laundry, I just know it needs to get done. No one reminds him that he needs a shower or to brush his teeth, he just knows to do them. These things should be second nature to him now. I’m trying to get him to come home from work and say to himself, “what are my chores? this this and that. which one of them needs done today?” I don’t know what to do! I try sweet talking him and giving him praise and glory when he does SOMETHING, but it’s frustrating to treat him like a five year old when it comes to house work. Stickey notes work sometimes, but sometimes, he just sets them aside and forgets about them. He needs his “relaxing” time when he first gets home.
Does anyone else out there have an absent minded hubby? what do you do? tatoo it on his arm?
any suggestions would be great.