My grandmother is dying. Questions

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My 92 year old grandmother is dying. She has received her last rites.
I prayed the rosary with her tonight, which is a blessing.

While I was there, I was wondering if my grandfather who died 33 years ago meet her or if she will see her parents. From our Catholic perspective, is it possible to believe that we will be with family again.

I also wonder if the angels and Blessed Mother are there watching over her ready to assist her in her hour of death.

Blessed Mother be with my Mimi!!
My 92 year old grandmother is dying. She has received her last rites.
I prayed the rosary with her tonight, which is a blessing.

While I was there, I was wondering if my grandfather who died 33 years ago meet her or if she will see her parents. From our Catholic perspective, is it possible to believe that we will be with family again.

I also wonder if the angels and Blessed Mother are there watching over her ready to assist her in her hour of death.

Blessed Mother be with my Mimi!!
It is possible to believe we will be with friends and family again in family. That is something every family is striving for. As for how we will interact with these people once in heaven, your guess is as good as mine. I will keep your family and grandmother in my prayers.

God Bless,
If we are in the same place, then we are together. If my family members that passed on before me are in Heaven, and I go there when I die (even if I need purification before I can be in the presence of God . . . in Heaven) then I am with those family members. It’s hard to imagine. After all “eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who love Him”. As humans on earth we can only think as humans on earth unless God gives us the ability to see heavenly things. I hate to think of it as a big city with neighborhoods and just maybe you’d bump into your loved ones. It must be entirely different. We’d be in God’s house. Of course God created the earth, but He allows the evil one to be present on earth.
We buried my mother-in-law one year ago. She died in our home with the whole family and the help of hospice care around her. She definitely was surrounded by angels…we asked her and she also was talking to her family. Praise God for the gift of eternity.

Believe it!
When my mother was dying (we were notified on Friday she would not last the weekend, and she died on Palm Sunday three days later) she was convinced she would be with loved departed in Heaven…she was radiant at death.

Yes, we will be with loved ones…just how that ‘being with’ will be experienced must remain for us to find out in Heaven itself.

I have every expectation of meeting all my departed loved ones again. I also expect to meet all my ancestors who I know only from photos, or family stories. They have all gone on ahead, and someday we’ll catch up with them.
I have every expectation of meeting all my departed loved ones again. I also expect to meet all my ancestors who I know only from photos, or family stories. They have all gone on ahead, and someday we’ll catch up with them.
Ditto. God promised us that we haven’t even imagined the kind of wonderful things awaiting those that go to heaven. I’m sure that he would allow us this privilege, to meet our loved ones and ancestors that have gone before…

I’m sorry about your grandmother, Jocelyn. She sounds like a sweet Catholic woman. God bless her and your family right now. You’ll see her again someday, as I hope to see my Grandma I lost last June. You’ll be in my prayers.
Quoting Celia: I’m sorry about your grandmother, Jocelyn. She sounds like a sweet Catholic woman. God bless her and your family right now. You’ll see her again someday, as I hope to see my Grandma I lost last June. You’ll be in my prayers.
I underscore the above!

When my own mother was dying, my sister had a “dream” (she has always had weird dreams, won’t say they’re “prophetic” but curious at the least): She dreamt that my mother was walking by herself behind our old barn in the field. Coming toward her walking in a group were my father (who had died five years earlier), holding my brother (who died as a two year old), my grandfather (also died), and two others who she believed to be the Blessed Mother and Jesus – she could not see their faces because they were surrounded by a very radiant light, but she “knew” who they were – she could see the others’ faces, though. In the dream, when my mother saw them, she smiled a huge smile, went to meet them and walked away with them. Mom died two weeks later. Whose to say whether it was wishful thinking on my sister’s part or a sign of things to come? I choose to think it was the latter.

Also, when my father died, I was in the hospital room with him. At the moment of his death, his eyes looked up to the ceiling and his face was filled with a look of true wonder and awe. A physical response to the body shutting down? Could be. But I’m choosing to think that he saw something (or someone) at that moment that we could not.

Take this for what you will. I know these gave me great comfort when my parents passed on. Hope I experience the same joy when I go. Can only trust that Jesus has great things in store for me, both in this world and the next! 🙂

There’s a reason that we pray to the Blessed Mother to “…pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death”. Trust that she’ll be there with your grandmother, too. Peace.
My protestant grandmother just died suddenly and unexpectedly last night. Although she was not a Catholic, she was a devout and holy woman according to the limited and imperfect means available to her. I’ve no doubt that she prayed and read her Bible last night - as she always did - before falling asleep and dying.
I am happy for her.

We will offer some of our shock and grief for the happy death of the OP’s Mimi. :gopray:
My protestant grandmother just died suddenly and unexpectedly last night. Although she was not a Catholic, she was a devout and holy woman according to the limited and imperfect means available to her. I’ve no doubt that she prayed and read her Bible last night - as she always did - before falling asleep and dying.
I am happy for her.

We will offer some of our shock and grief for the happy death of the OP’s Mimi. :gopray:
Sad to hear of a sudden death and of someone close to you…May all souls reside in the Loving Mercy of The Lord.
We will offer some of our shock and grief for the happy death of the OP’s Mimi.
Thoughtful and caring, loving.

Peace…Barb, Sth. Aust.
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