My Grandson

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A month ago today on 3/24 my Grandson Ethan passed away. I wrote to a Catholic Blog who was kind enough to tie in what I wrote about Ethan to pro life issues. Please read:

First Friday Fast
We are three bloggers who also live in the Dallas area. We are deeply committed to ending abortion in this country. To that end, we have committed ourselves to the following: On each First Friday for the next eleven months, we will fast and pray before the Blessed Sacrament for an end to abortion. This will culminate at the annual Dallas March for Life in January of 2008, where we will join our bishop and the faithful of this city in marching to the courthouse where Roe was originally argued.

We ask anyone reading these words to join us. Fast and pray with us each First Friday, no matter how far removed you are from Dallas. Spend some time in Eucharistic adoration, and implore Christ to end this curse. We especially ask other Dallas area bloggers and residents to join us, at least in spirit. If you would rather not fast, then pray for those of us that do.
Baby Ethan
I will be holding the image of Baby Ethan during this fast. He had a very short life, what pro-abortion activists would tell us was not worth living. However, to his parents, brother, grandparents, and, indeed, to his entire community, his brief life made a world of difference. I have been privileged to pray for Ethan and his family during his struggle for life. His grandfather wrote to me:
Yesterday we had his funeral. It was certainly one of the toughest days of my life but also one of the most special. The outpouring of love and support for my son and his wife truly overwhelmed them. They could not believe it. Ethan moved figurative mountains. I saw it many times in his short nine weeks on earth. Yesterday was no exception. Like Fr. O'Brien said in his homily..."Although Ethan never had the chance to go to church, his first time he brings a community together." Boy did he.

I have a great story for you...
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This picture of Ethan was taken the day before he died. As you may remember when Ethan was born, he had a rare condition and was in NICU for ten days.
We were still in the process of figuring out exactly the extent of everything. We were not sure if he would be blind or not. My son and his wife took numerous pictures of Ethan with their cell phones. After he died they were going through all of the pictures they took and noticed the one above. They realized they did not take this picture. Ethan's big brother Jon Jon, who is 2-1/2 took this picture while playing with the cell phone. What makes this so special is that it is the only one we have of Ethan smiling. Truly a gift from God.
Ethan is yet another example that every life is precious, every life is worth living, and every life can make an untold difference to those around them. Much thanks to Ethan’s parents for allowing me to share his story.

My Family and I miss Ethan terribly. If anyone is considering abortion as an option please please reconsider. The joy Ethan gave us, even for nine weeks was enough to last a lifetime.
God Bless…
A special thank you to Julie D. at Happy Catholic.
What a beautiful gift from God Ethan was. His life was so very precious and I rejoice that he is in heaven with our Lord. May you be comforted in your time of great sorrow. I am so very sorry for your loss.

I LOVE the picture of him smiling for his brother. Babies always love their sibblings so much - it must be such a special bond they share. My heart goes out to Jon Jon.

Thank you for sharing his story. I will pray for your family.
Hub, thank you so much for sharing the story of your grandson Ethan, and the beautiful picture of him. Surely you have a great soul in heaven now praying for your family. I hope that you sharing his story will lead to him blessing many other families as well, especially those who are considering abortion. May God bless you and keep you, and all your family.
Wow. That was so touching. I’m glad you got to have Ethan in your lives. My sister’s baby died one week after she was born. She would be twenty-one next month. I think of Amie often. Her sweetness touched my life, the way Ethan’s touched yours.

Much love to your family.

Thank you so much for sharing. I will take your request to my friends and biblestudy’s!
Thank you so much for sharing Ethan’s story here! What a wonderful pro-life testament his life is! The scenario of Jon Jon taking the one and only picture of Ethan smiling is absolutely beautiful and miraculous. Jon Jon will have a special rememberance of his baby brother :heaven: That picture of Ethan is a true testament that a baby’s life, no matter how short, can **always **bring much love and joy into the world. God bless your special family and your little Saint in Heaven. Your family will continue to be in our prayers!
From the moment Ethan was formed in the womb,God knew him.He hasn’t forgotten him and never will you or your family.May we always be reminded of all the Ethans in the world.God never forsakes us!
God has blessed you to let you know his special child Ethan.Blessings to you as you remember him and heal from his too short life on this earth.
I just wanted to add that I think sharing Ethan’s story here was a beautiful way of commemorating his first month anniversary of going to Heaven. How are his parents and big brother doing?
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