My home icon corner

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I love Eastern Catholicism while my parents wanted to remain western Catholics. Here is my icon corner, a mixture of Greek and Latin religious art. I didn’t remove any western icons or statues because my parents wanted to have them there. Here is a pic of my icon corner. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Nice. However, I’d switch the Sacred Heart & Holy Family pictures since Our Lady is in the HF picture. I’ll post my icon corner later (it’s going for 1:30 a.m. & I’m way past my bedtime).
I really think you have a lovely yet simple icon corner. ❤️
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That is really lovely. I like the mix of the Eastern/Western icons. Nice
@Tradcat1 and @(name removed by moderator) - very lovely pictures and display!
Wow. Beautiful.

Attached is the image of the Mar Sleeva of the SyroMalabar Church. Hope you can add this some day.

Mar Sleeva represents the resurrected Jesus. I’m told translating to “Holy Cross” doesn’t do Justice. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Attached. As you can see the Mar Sleeva with Sacred Heart of Jesus and Holy Family. The Sacred Heart of Jesus got really famous among SyroMalabarese during the late 19th century at the time of Pope Leo XIII I’m told. So Sacred Heart is very common among many SyroMalabar households. Especially in India. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Beautiful!!! What is the yellow flower on the left? Is it a special kind of flower, as in with a spiritual significance attached to it?
😁 My reply was about the original post/photo of the thread, to the OP.
But I didn’t make it clear enough.
We have the same picture of the Holy Family at our parish! ❤️
Looks awesome. A mix of Latin & Greek. Is it on a desk? I want to create a small icon corner in my room atleast.
It’s very popular among SyroMalabar laity as Saint Chavara had one.
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It’s on my late grandmother’s small buffet. My dad inherited it from my grandma and I got it when my mom passed away last November.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help and Blessed Vasyl Velychovsky are the two top icons.
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As I mentioned to the OP, you might want to switch the places of the Sacred Heart & Holy Family pictures since Our Lady is in the HF picture (unless the Syro-Malabar iconographic placement practice is different from the Byzantine). In Byzantine iconography, Our Lady or any icons with her are always to the viewer’s left (which is the right Hand of of Christ from His viewpoint) since "The queen stood at thy right hand… " (Sorry, I forget which Psalm it is but it’s in there!)

Edit: It’s Psalm 44: 10. ❤️
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Beautiful Icon Corner! I love your Mary statue and the small icons below it ❤️. I really love your Mother of Perpetual Help Icon as well!
Thank you, @GioG12! :hugs:

That statue of the Blessed Mother belonged to my maternal grandmother. She gave it to my mom when my parents got married. I have a similar one that my mom received as a wedding shower gift from the choir at her church in upstate PA.
unless the Syro-Malabar iconographic placement practice is different from the Byzantine
We don’t have specific rules regarding stuff like these…The Syriac tradition is pretty vague when it comes to stuff like these…I like how the Byzantine Tradition is more “exact”…
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@(name removed by moderator)
That is not a corner, you need another room in the house.
Dominus vobiscum
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