My husband is addicted to porn

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My husband recently revealed his addiction to porn. I have been completely unaware of the problem during our 11 year marriage (this apparently was a problem before we got married but recently has risen to the addictive level). I am only made aware of it after he moved out and has already started pursuing a divorce so he can be free to live outside of the constraints of marriage.
What resources have spouses found that have helped them through this very difficult time?
Thanks so much.
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One more thing, which may or may not be addressed in the posted sources;

Speak to a good lawyer. He will look out for your interests, during the divorce your husband is pursuing. Don’t let him tell you that ‘it’s being handled’ or ‘don’t worry about it’. This goes double if you have children. Child custody visitation, and child and spousal support will have to be decided. This man kept you in the dark about his pornography addiction…you can’t trust him, or the lawyer he is paying, to get you, and your children, what is yours by right. You must have a good lawyer of your own, to represent you.

Divorce is difficult under the best of circumstances, so you must take care of yourself. Call a good lawyer. God Bless you in this difficult time!
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