Just wanted to share my good news with all of you… my husband was confirmed and received his first Holy Communion today! I haven’t really talked about it much on these forums, which in retrospect surprises me,
but I am just so thrilled for him!
He was baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal church so he was taught alot of the basics of the faith, but we are so happy that he has come into the fullness of the faith now.
Anyways, just wanted to share the news and if you would like to keep my husband Ryan in your prayers for his continued faith journey we would appreciate it.

He was baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal church so he was taught alot of the basics of the faith, but we are so happy that he has come into the fullness of the faith now.

Anyways, just wanted to share the news and if you would like to keep my husband Ryan in your prayers for his continued faith journey we would appreciate it.