I made a resolution last night after my children were in bed that we are turning off the “boob tube”. I’ve had it with looking into my children’s glassy eyes and realizing they have the attention spans of gnats! I am sick and tired (did I just hear Mom?) of hearing them regurgitate comebacks they’ve learned from cartoons. My oldest (6) actually had silent tears streaming down her face this morning when I broke the news; not a tantrum, just that “My heart is broken” kind of cry. She’s gonna lose it when she figures out I’ve unplugged the TV. It makes me sad to see that she doesn’t seem to know how to play by herself, anymore.
So, ***PLEASE,***help me succeed in my resolution. I need advice on how to overcome the withdrawals I know are in my future!
I know this syndrome is one of my own making. I’m a TV junkie, myself, but I’m ready to correct it! Help me out!
So, ***PLEASE,***help me succeed in my resolution. I need advice on how to overcome the withdrawals I know are in my future!
I know this syndrome is one of my own making. I’m a TV junkie, myself, but I’m ready to correct it! Help me out!