My mind sometimes wonders during mysteries of the Rosary

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Is this terrible? As soon as I realize it has happened I come back to the mystery and really feel guilty about it.

Any suggestions on how to better contemplate the mysteries?
This happens to me a lot as well. I’ve found a scriptural rosary helps keep me focused quite a bit. This style has a verse from scripture associated with each Hail Mary. The verse is relevant to the mystery at hand. It makes meditation on the mystery much more focused for me.
mark a:
Is this terrible? As soon as I realize it has happened I come back to the mystery and really feel guilty about it.

Any suggestions on how to better contemplate the mysteries?
Dear friend

What does your mind wander to? Is it relevant in the world today. Do you think of someone who has hurt people or indeed yourself, or the people you may have hurt when you think of Christ’s suffering? Do you think of a great joy in your life, like the birth of one of your children and their baptism in comparison of Mary presenting Jesus at the temple to Simeon? This is perfectly fine and I think good in that it links Sacred Scripture with the happenings of our lives today and helps us to appreciate more what happened in Sacred Scripture. I think it is very human and natural to meditate on Christ’s life and then see comparisons in our own lives. This is not a wandering mind , this is the mind and soul reflecting deeply on Christ and Mary.

Or is it something totally irrelevant, like remembering to buy sugar when you go shopping? This is purely a distracted mind, so when you think of things like this, don’t worry, don’t feel guilty, we all do it, just think ok, I’ve remembered that, now back to my Rosary! I have a Rosary guide with little pictures of each meditation, looking at those refocuses my mind and helps me ‘see’ more graphically the events in Sacred Scripture. Also, if these thoughts are popping into your mind, it may just be an indicator that you may need to re-organise your life so that you do not feel as though you are ‘fitting’ your Rosary into all the other chores in life, we all have these chores and if a person is especially busy , the smallest tasks can seem a huge burden. Re-prioritise and make your Rosary a part of the day that has it’s own time. You will find that these thoughts lessen during your Rosary prayer.

The most difficult thing we can ever do is try not to think, the more you try not to, the more your mind will wander off into these areas that you don’t want them to. Main thing is relax about this and don’t feel guilty at all, this is not the aim of the Rosary, to cause you angst. Pray the prayers and concentrate first on the words of the Rosary, the rythmn of the sound of the words and as you do this, think about Jesus and His Mother, think how you were with your mother, try drawing comparisons here and the love you both shared. Try thinking about the people in your life and how this applies to the mysteries of the Rosary, this will bring those so-called distractions out into the open and not something you are trying to shove out of your mind…they will keep popping up until you have ‘aired’ them, spend a few Rosaries doing this and you may then also find many solutions to things in your life and those of others whilst reflecting on how Christ Jesus lived and His Mother.

Your Blessed Mother Mary prays with you whilst you pray the Rosary, so ask her to help you to focus, understand and grow spiritually in the meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary, she will never deny you, it has never been known for anyone who sought her help to be denied…xxxx

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Sir Knight:
Dear friend

Very true, quality not quantity is the name of the game! Sincere and with love, heartfelt and with an intention is the best prayer rather than alot of rambling. Either way before we even pray God knows what we will say and ask for, just be natural and yourself, this is the way conversation with our Lord should be done.

One decade said well and at intervals either throughout the day or over a period of time is better than the whole Rosary done with difficulty causing a soul to worry. You have nothing to worry about, Worry is a waste of time…

A beautiful link. Thank you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

mark a:
Is this terrible? As soon as I realize it has happened I come back to the mystery and really feel guilty about it.

Any suggestions on how to better contemplate the mysteries?
just keep saying the rosary… if i am guilty of a fault, (and i am guilty of many mind you…) i suffer from the same malady… i have the hardest time staying focused… tell you what… say a hail mary for me and i will do the same for you… what have we to loose! 👍
This happens to me a lot as well. I’ve found a scriptural rosary helps keep me focused quite a bit. This style has a verse from scripture associated with each Hail Mary. The verse is relevant to the mystery at hand. It makes meditation on the mystery much more focused for me.
I forgot to mention that a book I really like to use for the scriptural rosary is called The New Rosary in Scripture: Biblical Insights for Praying the 20 Mysteries by Edward Sri
My grandfather told of a man who insisted that his mind never wandered during prayer. The priest bet his horse that the man could not complete a Hail Mary without being distracted. So he started:
  • Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou . . . Do I get the bridle too? * 😃
Joe Kelley:
My grandfather told of a man who insisted that his mind never wandered during prayer. The priest bet his horse that the man could not complete a Hail Mary without being distracted. So he started:

*Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou . . . Do I get the bridle too? *😃
mark a:
Is this terrible? As soon as I realize it has happened I come back to the mystery and really feel guilty about it.

Any suggestions on how to better contemplate the mysteries?
Some people close their eyes while praying, so as not to be distracted, (only a suggestion ):gopray:
Thanks everyone.
I’ve found a scriptural rosary helps keep me focused quite a bit. This style has a verse from scripture associated with each Hail Mary. The verse is relevant to the mystery at hand. It makes meditation on the mystery much more focused for me.
Is this in written form? It sounds like a great way to pray, because I feel like I need more insight to the mysteries. Seems like I gravitate to the same thoughts especially with the sorrowful mysteries.
I watch a video Rosary and Pray along. It helps focus in on the mysteries.
Some very good suggestions. There is also the practice of trying to relate the mysteries to events in our own life. Most people don’t get distracted when thinking about themselves. For instance, " The Birth of Our Savior" in the Joyful Mysteries. How have we given birth to Jesus in our lives and in our difficulties.

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
Just a thought…I have read that many of our great saints have experienced the same difficulties while praying…I think God understands and appreciates that we acknowledge our failings. There are times when I am deep in prayer and my mind will wander…and at times it has happened that He shows me a path to assist me with a problem that I may be having and been fretting about. A great sense of peace will come over me…I realize how grateful I must be to be loved that much.
mark a:
Thanks everyone.

Is this in written form? It sounds like a great way to pray, because I feel like I need more insight to the mysteries. Seems like I gravitate to the same thoughts especially with the sorrowful mysteries.

If you go to there will be a rosary prayer guide that you can click on to. You will need Adobe Acrobat reader to view it. It has the mysteries (including the luminous) and scriptures to go with it.

Another good resource is “The Rosary Hour: The Private Prayers of John Paul II” There are reflections on the mysteries (written pre-luminous though) and also has rosary for peace and a rosary for the family. I found it extremely helpful to read a little bit in between each mystery.

And don’t feel bad…sometimes I actually lost count…don’t ask me how.

-PTP 😃
mark a:
Thanks everyone.

Is this in written form? It sounds like a great way to pray, because I feel like I need more insight to the mysteries. Seems like I gravitate to the same thoughts especially with the sorrowful mysteries.
Yeah…here is an excerpt from the first joyful mystery:
  1. In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to… a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph… and the virgin’s name was Mary (Lk 1: 26-27) Hail Mary…
  2. And he came to her and said, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” (Lk 1:28) Hail Mary…
It continues in this fashion for each of the Hail Marys. So what I do is I just pray the scripture and the Hail Mary as one prayer. It keeps me engrossed in the mystery.
I often pray the rosary while driving home from work. My mind still wanders, but I find it keeps me from getting impatient with the traffic and cussing out the fellow it cuts me off. 😃
I often pray the rosary while driving home from work. My mind still wanders, but I find it keeps me from getting impatient with the traffic and cussing out the fellow it cuts me off! 😃
RNRobert said:
I often pray the rosary while driving home from work. My mind still wanders, but I find it keeps me from getting impatient with the traffic and cussing out the fellow it cuts me off! 😃

Sorry to say I once had a car accident while praying the rosary. I was meditating so intently I was not giving my full attention to driving and the accident was entirely my fault. Now I just pray an occasional “Lord have mercy on me a Sinner”, or a “Holy Mary pray for us”.
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