My mom thinks I’m gay

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New member
I’m an adult and have been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

A gay man told my mom that he thinks that, I, her son, is gay.

IMHO you know what, if I met a gay man my age I would tell him “I don’t think you’re gay, I think you’re depressed or hurt.”

This is embarrassing but I really don’t think I am gay and I don’t think I want to live that lifestyle or have those kind of friends.

Jesus is my friend, and I don’t think it is blasphemy or a sinner to call Jesus my friend in private.
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Dude, unless you either told this other man you were gay, or you engaged in some kind of unmistakably gay sexual behavior either with him or while he was watching, then he’s way out of line. People have said I’m all kinds of things too, but they don’t get to define me or you.

In any event, if you don’t think you’re gay and don’t want to live a gay lifestyle, then just don’t do that.
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Most of us are misjudged or misinterpreted by otherswho think they know us. If misunderstandings of me during my life were bricks, I’d be able to build a house with them by now!
The truly irresponsible thing he did was to proclaim his opinion to your mother.
That thoughtlessness towards you, and your Mom, in itself shows his judgement or opinion isn’t worth much regarding you.
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Thank you for your replies. I am very embarrassed that I asked.

In any spiritual emergency, I say the Eucharistic prayer “in atonement for our sins, whole world”

Prayer makes a huge difference.
@Zerg, you have no cause to be embarrassed. Please don’t be.
It takes courage to ask for advice or support regarding a question that is unsettling you.
In this case it involved your identity and your mother’s perception of you.

You have the right to mental and emotional peace, and if any of us can give helpful perspectives, we’re very happy to. We wish you well, and God’s blessing always.

It’s wonderful that you call Jesus your Friend. When Jesus walked the earth, He had close friends, including Martha, Mary and Lazarus. I don’t doubt that He is happy to include you.

You are blessed to have the grace to say the prayer you mentioned when you face spiritual emergencies. Because it is a grace of God that you are inspired to do so.
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As Trishie said, no need to feel embarrassed. You did nothing wrong. The situation you describe would make anyone uncomfortable.

Prayer always helps, even at times when you don’t feel it helping.
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On an unrelated note, while I think Trishie’s answer was excellent, as her answers generally are, reflecting her kindness, wisdom and empathy that I’ve seen time and again on various forums, I find it odd that a thread like this would have one answer (even a very good answer) marked as “solution”. This isn’t a tech forum. It’s a discussion forum, and unless it’s a question with one correct answer, such as “What is the Church’s official position on the Assumption of Mary?”, there isn’t really a “solution” here, just food for thought. If the OP marked it “solution” then no harm/ no foul, but if there’s some staff member deciding what the “solution” is for any given thread of a personal nature, that’s kinda off-putting.
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Dear @Catholic-Questions, thank you for your affirmation.

(And for your kind words @Tis_Bearself.
I have a lot of respect for you; and for the wise and careful thought you have put into crafting the harmonious way that St Isidore’s Lounge Discourse forum operates, upon yourself bringing it into existence following the closure of CAF.)

@Catholic-Questions, I understand your logical experimentation with Discourse functions, and suspect a very orderly mind as well as a quiet dedicated goodness in my impression of you, but I do agree with Tis-Bearself’s considerations .

Since joining CAF in April 2008, I have often been admiring of the different helpful perspectives from members who respond to someone’s painful, troubled, or curious questions. At times, breathtakingly so.

Occasionally one disagrees with a post, or post-trend, but all of us are free to post another modifying response, or to give consideration to whether or not that person’s point is truly valuable in what it offers
However, generally from a series of posts, a whole picture emerges that shines light on different facets of the issue.

Occasionally also, responses have been known to make a person feel less understood and more confused, but this is where there are usually members who can give a more empathetic balance where it’s helpful to do so wisely and without criticism of another’s post. Sometimes a less sympathetic or sterner answer can cause one to reflect whether one’s own view is incomplete or in some way skewed by one’s experiences, emotions, or interpretations.

So, like a jigsaw put together by the post of various members, the whole picture is presented … well, sometimes! But at least, this is what we members are all intending!

@Catholic_Questions, thank you for the enormous effort you have made to ‘resurrect’ a new forum based on CAF. I wish you the very best in all things. Please don’t let CAQ wear you down. God bless you, your dear ones, and this not-quite-yet-fledgling forum.
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