My parents have forbidden me going to church

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Their house, their rules. You are an adult so they should respect your wishes to attend RCIA but if it will cause strife while living under their roof I’d either move out or wait until you graduate.
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Hi, I am 19 years old and was born into a nonreligious family. I believe in God and everything the Catholic Church is teaching to believe. Last year I contacted the local parish priest and expressed to him my desire to be baptized and attend RCIA classes. He organized the RCIA but I couldn’t eventually attend because my parents forbade me to do so. My parents have also forbidden me to contact any priest and visit mass as long as I live in their house. Am I bound by their prohibitions or can I ignore these prohibitions? If my parents don’t change their opinions, I would have to wait until I graduate and that would take at least 5 years. What can I do to convince my parents to let me start attending RCIA? My parents don’t understand why someone who is a believer has to go to church, and not worship privately. How should I explain to my parents why believers have to go to church, what are the arguments? My parents are also afraid of priests, because of the scandals happening in the church. How can I make clear to my parents that bad priests are rare and not the majority? I am in advance grateful for every of your answers, thank you.
If you are in the US, you are legally an adult. Have you told your parents that you’ve thought this through thoroughly and it’s what you want to do? They may not agree with your choice, but since you are an adult, you should be able to make your own decisions.

Have you considered moving out? If you’re in school, either to a dorm or get roommates?
If they are supporting you, they can make that a condition. It’s up to you to either accept their terms in exchange for their support, or to support yourself, move out, and make your own choices.
Sounds to me as if it is time to get a job, move out and support yourself.
Every one has to look after there own souls .yes we most obay or parents but no one comes before I would explain to your parents that the world is full of evil .the (enternet)for example lots of movies it’s all around but being part of the catholic faith is of love and kindness.going to church being with god taking part by going to mass is not only good for your spiritual wellbeing but can put you on the road to peace with yourself and others around you .i hope the Holy Spirit guides you on your journey god bless
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