My Personal Doubts

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Do we really all need God? Will we really be held responsible for all our sins? Where is the good in loving God if the more you know, the more you are held accountable for? Why does God make us different? Some of us more or less superior in this world. Some have more good qualities than others. Even if every single person worked their hardest, it still would not be equal. Some people are more capable than others. Some people need more help than others. We all have our blind spots, some worse than others.
Do we really all need God? Will we really be held responsible for all our sins? Where is the good in loving God if the more you know, the more you are held accountable for? Why does God make us different? Some of us more or less superior in this world. Some have more good qualities than others. Even if every single person worked their hardest, it still would not be equal. Some people are more capable than others. Some people need more help than others. We all have our blind spots, some worse than others.
  1. Yes.
  2. So they say…
  3. Ignorance isn´t bliss.
  4. …to keep life interesting?
  5. I think we´re all equal, but different.
  6. They say God knows how to take all that into account even though we wouldn’t be able to.
  7. …and?
  8. True.
  9. Yes.
I would challenge you- go to an Adoration chapel near where you live and ask these questions/ doubts before the Blessed Sacrament- I am sure He will answer provided you want to hear Him speak to you!!!
My love and prayers for you,
Do we really all need God? Will we really be held responsible for all our sins? Where is the good in loving God** if the more you know**, the more you are held accountable for?
Oh no! You have it all wrong! Those who sin because they do not understand are not held less accountable - they do unknowable harm to themselves and others, and will end up spending quite a bit of time in purgatory thinking about what they have done…

Those who sin, when they die and see the Pearly Gates, and all that is holy inside, they will not approach for shame when see all they have done (those who willfully embraced sin will not to enter all :eek:) Those who struggle to learn God’s way’s are filled with grace, and can more confidently approach Heaven.

Christ came to truly rescue us from our sins. His love is timeless, and wants us to join him at the end of time. If we strive for purity, we will be with God sooner!
Why does God make us different? Some of us more or less superior in this world. Some have more good qualities than others. Even if every single person worked their hardest, it still would not be equal. Some people are more capable than others. Some people need more help than others. We all have our blind spots, some worse than others.
Personal abilities or equality have nothing to do with striving to live for God. Even the mightiest king is nothing compared to our Lord’s majesty. God freely gives his grace through the sacraments. God is all powerful, so he takes ordinary looking objects, water of baptism, oil in confirmation, bread and wine for communion, and uses them to expend extraordinary grace. How much more will he take an ordinary person, humble of heart and meek of spirit, and fill them with his love.
Just 4 questions in one OP, Pelagia? You’re slipping. To answer number one, I’d say: to
live life abundantly and thrive, yes! Just to survive, no. But that’s only because God out of his mercy holds the existence of non-believers and those who ignore him or hate him perpetually in being, despite how they may feel about Him. But to be actually at peace and happy in a way that is not totally transient, you definitely need Him. You can try and test this hypothesis, by exercising the converse of this axiom, but I would not recommend it.

God Bless You!
Just 4 questions in one OP, Pelagia? You’re slipping. To answer number one, I’d say: to
live life abundantly and thrive, yes! Just to survive, no. But that’s only because God out of his mercy holds the existence of non-believers and those who ignore him or hate him perpetually in being, despite how they may feel about Him. But to be actually at peace and happy in a way that is not totally transient, you definitely need Him. You can try and test this hypothesis, by exercising the converse of this axiom, but I would not recommend it.

God Bless You!
It seems to be in the Church. There are more & more restrictions. People outside are free to live how they choose. God loves us both. They follow their own set of morals. While we must obey the church’s teachings. People say life is short. It certainly does not feel that way. I guess no matter what you believe, some one will not agree or believe the same. It does not make you a better or worse person. Some people say church is good for some people, not for others. Many believe in God but reject organized religion altogether.
It says in scripture not to envy the way of the sinner. I can tell you from personal experience that when I have left the right path to see what’s on the other side, the side where souls do not follow the ways of God, it has led me into a dark place, I daresay, a Hellish place. I hope you don’t have to discover this for yourself, but those who do not follow Christ are not happier than Christians who do. They may, looking in from the outside, at times look happier, but upon closer examination (from the inside) one can begin to see and smell the maggots festering in spiritual wounds of unbelievers, or perhaps, even oneself. Sorry for the graphic depiction, but that is what came to mind.

God Bless.
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