My friends,
I have a problem that I need you advice on.
This morning we were told (at long last) that the Parish would be taking up a collection next weekend at all Masses to aid the South East Asia disaster fund. I was delighted.
To my surprise it was clarified at the end of Mass on how it was going to be done. Here’s the wisdom:
In our Parish we have two collections at each Mass. One for the Offertory and the other is called Parish Development collection. What the Priests have decided to do is hold both collections as normal and anything above and beyond the normal in the second collection will be sent away to the fund. Well my heart sank as did my wife’s. It was a real case of we will take care of ourselves first then the extra which we won’t miss will be sent away.
This to me goes completely against the whole meaning of charity. Yes people will of course give more but the Parish is giving none of its stash. It hoard. I use these words because we are the richest Parish in the Diocese. I am involved in the Finance of the Parish and I know that at this present moment we have more money that we know what to do with. We have no debts and have a very hefty + balance.
On a weekly basis €7,000 is collected from the baskets. Not to mention the candle shrines, the car park charges, the standing orders, the rental of Parish facilities etc. It brings in a very big sum indeed.
My question is this. Does it seem charitable in light of the above to treat a world wide catastrophe in such a manner where we look after ourselves first and then give the extra which won’t be missed away? I thought the idea about genuine charity was that in extreme cases when hundreds of thousands of God’s children cry out for help that we should give until it hurts so that when we feel the pinch we can truly say we have shared in their sufferings even if it be in this manner.
I am so disappointed at this half hearted gesture and I am considering a letter to the Parish priest asking that he consider releasing all the finances from the second collection to the disaster fund.
What do you think?
I have a problem that I need you advice on.
This morning we were told (at long last) that the Parish would be taking up a collection next weekend at all Masses to aid the South East Asia disaster fund. I was delighted.
To my surprise it was clarified at the end of Mass on how it was going to be done. Here’s the wisdom:
In our Parish we have two collections at each Mass. One for the Offertory and the other is called Parish Development collection. What the Priests have decided to do is hold both collections as normal and anything above and beyond the normal in the second collection will be sent away to the fund. Well my heart sank as did my wife’s. It was a real case of we will take care of ourselves first then the extra which we won’t miss will be sent away.
This to me goes completely against the whole meaning of charity. Yes people will of course give more but the Parish is giving none of its stash. It hoard. I use these words because we are the richest Parish in the Diocese. I am involved in the Finance of the Parish and I know that at this present moment we have more money that we know what to do with. We have no debts and have a very hefty + balance.
On a weekly basis €7,000 is collected from the baskets. Not to mention the candle shrines, the car park charges, the standing orders, the rental of Parish facilities etc. It brings in a very big sum indeed.
My question is this. Does it seem charitable in light of the above to treat a world wide catastrophe in such a manner where we look after ourselves first and then give the extra which won’t be missed away? I thought the idea about genuine charity was that in extreme cases when hundreds of thousands of God’s children cry out for help that we should give until it hurts so that when we feel the pinch we can truly say we have shared in their sufferings even if it be in this manner.
I am so disappointed at this half hearted gesture and I am considering a letter to the Parish priest asking that he consider releasing all the finances from the second collection to the disaster fund.
What do you think?