Hey! In case you don’t know, I have a blog at calledtobeholy.livejournal.com/
and I posted an entry talking about my story, and my journey…check out the comment someone left me.
"You are flat out *****! Just a *********, seriously *************teenager!! You have no father - he ran off and left your family; your sisters and relatives are *******; you had underage sex; you’ve been raped at 13 - twice! How does one get raped twice?! After the first time, he should have been in jail! - what, you went back for more??! You have some dead-end job, with no education; you admit you’ve practised Wicca, and you’re Mom hates the idea of you having a vocation and give you no support. With all that, HOW ON EARTH do you think you can be a Nun? What makes you even think the Catholic Church would even want a ***** wreck like you as a Nun??! Don’t bother with the platitudes about being ‘called’… the reality is that nowadays the Church wants high quality people and vets those with so-called vocations to ensure that only decent people are accepted… and that you AIN’T!. You’ve had a majorly ****ed-up lie and there’s NO WAY ****** ***** like you will ever be a Holy NUN! These are the facts: stop kidding yourself with the Nun vocation rubbish. It’s ********** like you who drive decent folk away from the Catholic Church! If… IF! you’ve been to confession, you might be forgiven, but that is a totally different thing to thinking a disgrace like you can stink up the ranks of a decent Order. I predict you’ll fail miserably with you’re imaginery ‘vocation’!
Sigh I commented back, refuting this person’s claims, and told her/him that I would pray for them…(it was anonymus) I just wish people weren’t so hateful and mean…
and I posted an entry talking about my story, and my journey…check out the comment someone left me.
"You are flat out *****! Just a *********, seriously *************teenager!! You have no father - he ran off and left your family; your sisters and relatives are *******; you had underage sex; you’ve been raped at 13 - twice! How does one get raped twice?! After the first time, he should have been in jail! - what, you went back for more??! You have some dead-end job, with no education; you admit you’ve practised Wicca, and you’re Mom hates the idea of you having a vocation and give you no support. With all that, HOW ON EARTH do you think you can be a Nun? What makes you even think the Catholic Church would even want a ***** wreck like you as a Nun??! Don’t bother with the platitudes about being ‘called’… the reality is that nowadays the Church wants high quality people and vets those with so-called vocations to ensure that only decent people are accepted… and that you AIN’T!. You’ve had a majorly ****ed-up lie and there’s NO WAY ****** ***** like you will ever be a Holy NUN! These are the facts: stop kidding yourself with the Nun vocation rubbish. It’s ********** like you who drive decent folk away from the Catholic Church! If… IF! you’ve been to confession, you might be forgiven, but that is a totally different thing to thinking a disgrace like you can stink up the ranks of a decent Order. I predict you’ll fail miserably with you’re imaginery ‘vocation’!
Sigh I commented back, refuting this person’s claims, and told her/him that I would pray for them…(it was anonymus) I just wish people weren’t so hateful and mean…