My Sister in Law Has Stomach Cancer

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Hi guys, many of you know me…
I just got off the phone with my younger brother and his wife has been having a real hard time with a duodenal ulcer. She’s lost over 70 pounds and they finally had to do surgery to remove it since nothing else worked.

The result was not good.

The doctor told him than it was abnormally large and that it tested positive for cancer. They don’t know what stage yet, but it is not looking very good at this point.

They have 3 children by previous marriages and the two that are hers are still mid teen and will likely not deal well with this.

They are a Catholic family.

They are also having some financial problems because of the decline in the real estate market in this area so that adds to the needs.

We all ask for your intercession.
I will be beginning a novena of the Divine Mercy Chaplet tomorrow (August 17th) for them if anyone would like to join me.
Thank you my friends. 🙂
You have given us grace at this time to offer You a common prayer together and have promised that when two or three are gathered together in Your name, that You will grant their requests; fulfill, Lord, the prayers of Your servants, heal SIL of this cancer and tumor, which are for our welfare, grant us the knowledge of Your truth in this world and life everlasting in the world to come. Amen.

Your sister in law is now on my prayer list. May God’s mercy heal her and give her strength.
Thank you.

I knew we could count upon you guys here at CAF!
I pray that God, the great physician, will lay his hand upon your sister in law and bless her. I pray that she is not in pain and pray for your brother and all of your family.

Just got off the phone with my brother again and it’s bad news.

They have not talked to an oncologist yet but the diagnosis is
signet cell adenocarcinoma (sometimes called signet ring cell adenocarcinoma), which is very rare and very aggressive.

Apparently it is far advanced and my brother said that the doctor gave her about a month.

Please help us persevere in prayer in this.
I’m sorry. My offering is my stomach pains I had when I had cancer, to alleviate hers. I trust it is excepted. Squeeze her hand for me. Tim
Michael, I’ll join you in your novena to the Divine Mercy as best as I’m able. During this time I’ll also do my best to say the Stations of the Cross @ 3 PM for your family’s intention as well. May God grant you all His Saving Grace.

Saint Peregrine, please pray for this woman’s cancer.
Lord Jesus: Hold Michael’s sister-in-law close within Your Most Sacred Heart and grant her healing and restoration to her family. We confide this prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Church Militant,

My Lord of True Love, please touch Church Militant’s sister in law with Thy healing hand. Please bring peace to Church Militant and family, i ask this in God the Father’s name, God the Son’s name and God the Holy Spirit’s name.:crossrc: Amen

i am so sorry you and your family are going through this. :crossrc:

Thank you. We appreciate all these prayers more than I can express.
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