Is my son being a good Christian or is he just being used? He’s 22 years old, a college student still living at home and commuting to school. He has a group of male and female friends he regularly hangs out with. There’s one girl “Jane” who’s in love with a member of the group, “Bob”, but Bob is, as the saying goes, just not that into her. So Jane frequently has my son come over to her house so she can complain about the situation. (Bob is my son’s best friend) Just last night my son, who has a night class ending at 9:30, came home after 1:00 A.M. because he was at Jane’s house, listening to her vent. Then he had to get up early in the morning to go to school. It’s not as though anything is solved in these sessions. Jane evidently needs a shoulder to cry on, but how much is too much? I know, my son is 22, a man, has to lead his own life, make his own mistakes, etc., but I’m steamed at this situation.