My son want to play a game called Re-Legion about creating a cult

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My 14 old son told me that he can’t wait for this “cool” game called Re-Legion. The name seamed suspicious so I asked him what the game is about. He told me that “you can become a prophet of your own religious cult”. For a while i was shocked. Than I was angry and told him that I don’t want him to play such games. Than he told me that I don’t understand and that it isn’t bad because it is set in the future and there is nothing there about Jezus and it’s not mocking faith.
I don’t want him to play such games, but what should I do? I could just forbid him to play this game, but I guess he can still play it in his friends house. I would like to make him understand that he shouldn’t play this game because it’s wrong. How I should do that? Please help.
Since you are his mother avoid a discussion over it. The game isn’t worth a disagreement and both should start by agreeing on that.

There are also many other games, so what game would he rather play or accept as an alternative?
As parent it is your right to forbid a 14 year old, but its a tough rule to enforce.

I don’t think its as big a deal as you see it however. Kids play Risk- aim is world conquest and the destruction of the opponents’ armies, they play Monopoly- aim is the financial impoverishment of the other players, Grand Theft Auto, all kinds of other games. Most games really don’t have godly goals.
Truth is? I’d talk to him about it for sure? But I’d let him play it under a watchful eye.

It can be a pretty good place to have close talks about the kind of topics it might bring forward if you find out enough about it.

The more you make it seem evil incarnate? The more he’ll be tempted to check it out. And the worse he’ll feel for doing it behind your back.

Better to have things in the open. Better to be able to talk about things in a free way. Better for him to tell you about his next looking-forward moment. Than for him to learn it’s better to keep secrets.

So if I was you? I’d just slide up to him and explain your gut reaction. I’d explain that when the world’s out there trying to corrupt us it can be awfully tricky to know where the stumbling blocks are gonna be. It can be very hard to know exactly where to draw the line and where to double-down.

But the important thing you need to let him know is that you trust his judgement. Let him know he can play the game. But tell him to keep his eyes open. And tell him if it raises his eyebrows in any way you’d be happy to talk about it. Then do some research and find out what the game’s like. Once you know the basics? You can talk to him about it on par. I mean don’t take it all negative. Ask him how he’s doing. Ask him how his goal is coming. And use those moments of shared interest to talk out any dubious features the game’s set out.

But don’t overdo it. You just need to be a background echo. You just need to reach him part-way. The main thing you need to build between the 2 of you is a bond of trust. Not judgement. He needs to know you actually do trust him so he can learn he’s worthy of that. He needs to know he’s worth being trusted so he’ll want to stay that way.

Trust is sort of like a high-grade polish. You put it on in light layers and then rub it smooth. But if you try to rub it in too much? You end up stripping away even the layers that had already set. So you need to layer it gently. But often. And in a steady dose.

I would use this as a teaching moment, to discuss issues of Truth and philosophy and power.
I might even play it with him. It could spark some interesting conversations.

(Actually I don’t play video games… I’d have his dad play with him LOL)
Seems like an innocent enough game as long as it doesn’t subvert, and therein lies the possible problem in my opinion.
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Thanks for all of your great replies. You calmed me down and I think I now what to do now ;-). Thanks
I think @0Scarlett_nidiyilii’s idea is a good one. I checked out the preview on Steam and have to admit the game does look kind of cool. When I play games like these, which isn’t very often anymore because of all my other responsibilities at the moment, I always play them from a Christian perspective. An example would be like when I play 7 Days to Die, which is adult Minecraft with zombies, I always add giant crosses to my above-ground buildings or choose abandoned churches to “renovate” (upgrade as an entrance to my underground base).

Unless the game is vehemently anti-Christian, i probably wouldn’t worry too much. However, I would caution you to remember that you’re the parent and he’s the child. So whatever you decide, he should subject himself to your authority, whether or not he agrees or disagrees.
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