My Soul Cannot Find Rest because of These Issues

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I went to confession last year. The priest told me, I should not believe my truth is higher than their own and that God is a mystery. He also told me, you can not please everyone all the time and it would be wrong to stop being someone’s friend because they believed differently. Well then, what is the truth? I AM PROBABLY LOOKING WAY TOO DEEPLY INTO THIS. Some people think Catholics is a cult, that is an opinion, THAT IS THEIR TRUTH. Some people are Atheists, that is their truth. It is very hard to select what I want to believe because they are SO MANY BELIEFS. Are beliefs even important? Part of me would like to die just to see the truth. I have been evangelized by every walk a life. Some people are very closed-off to hear or consider anyone else’s opinion. I am so scared of being “close-minded” that I accept everyone’s opinion. I keep repeating the same mistakes. I do not understand God’s forgiveness. I almost always make the same mistakes. I want to know what is so good about living for God. I am doing it again, I joined a Catholic forum to ask for advice, an opinion, etc. I wonder why God created me the way I am. As much as I fully believe in free-will, I think God created us distinct. I have a friend I try to be like, I CAN NOT BE EXACTLY LIKE HER. We are just by nature DIFFERENT. No amount of imitating CAN MAKE ME HER.
People are VERY different. It is difficult to imagine one God and one sets of standards for all of us. HERE IS ANOTHER BIG ISSUE I HAVE TO SAY. I think being close-minded and judgmental is wrong. Does it really make you that horrible of a person? Why isn’t it treated like any other personal flaw, shortcoming, etc? It makes me fear if I become very religious, I will become judgmental and close-minded. I am not defending the Pharisees or anything. Were they really THAT BAD? I understand Jesus admonished them the most.
I went to confession last year. The priest told me, I should not believe my truth is higher than their own and that God is a mystery. He also told me, you can not please everyone all the time and it would be wrong to stop being someone’s friend because they believed differently. Well then, what is the truth? I AM PROBABLY LOOKING WAY TOO DEEPLY INTO THIS. Some people think Catholics is a cult, that is an opinion, THAT IS THEIR TRUTH. Some people are Atheists, that is their truth. It is very hard to select what I want to believe because they are SO MANY BELIEFS. Are beliefs even important? Part of me would like to die just to see the truth. I have been evangelized by every walk a life. Some people are very closed-off to hear or consider anyone else’s opinion. I am so scared of being “close-minded” that I accept everyone’s opinion. I keep repeating the same mistakes. I do not understand God’s forgiveness. I almost always make the same mistakes. I want to know what is so good about living for God. I am doing it again, I joined a Catholic forum to ask for advice, an opinion, etc. I wonder why God created me the way I am. As much as I fully believe in free-will, I think God created us distinct. I have a friend I try to be like, I CAN NOT BE EXACTLY LIKE HER. We are just by nature DIFFERENT. No amount of imitating CAN MAKE ME HER.
My family is a conglomeration of different denominations. .Methodist, nondenominational, pentecostal and Lutheran (me). It used to be extremely eventful at family gatherings until we decided discussions about religion was not a good idea. Each has their own “truth” depending on what is being taught.

I also lived in Berrien Springs, MI which is oretty much a 7th Day Adventist area. Of course they have the “truth” as well.

I am a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and don’t agree with all of the doctrines taught there. What I came to realize over the years is that the primary truth as a Christian is God sending His Son to die for all of us, rose from the dead, and is coming back tobtake us Home with Him. Thank God for sending His son to redeem us!
I am so scared of being “close-minded” that I accept everyone’s opinion.
Why do you care if others think you are close-minded?

I am quite ardently pro-life and pro-traditional marriage. This very often raises the hackles of my liberal friends but I don’t care. If they don’t at least respect my opinion then we can’t be friends. As far as “truth” is concerned, I try my best to follow what the Catholic Church teaches. If that makes me unpopular or a hater, well tough noogies.
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” -Winston Churchill*
I went to confession last year. The priest told me, I should not believe my truth is higher than their own and that God is a mystery.
Sounds like you have a good priest who can get to the heart of the matter 🙂
If you drop your friends when they don’t think like you, then you will always be afraid others will drop you if you express a contrary opinion, no?

But there are times when we don’t want to be friends with someone–we don’t like them for some reason. And sometimes we ourselves are in the position of not being liked by someone for some reason. And we don’t have to worry too much about that or those people because as long as we are reasonably polite to one another, it’s not wrong not to want a particular person as a friend.
Well then, what is the truth? I AM PROBABLY LOOKING WAY TOO DEEPLY INTO THIS. Some people think Catholics is a cult, that is an opinion, THAT IS THEIR TRUTH. Some people are Atheists, that is their truth. It is very hard to select what I want to believe because they are SO MANY BELIEFS. Are beliefs even important?
You have been given the gift of faith–this is wonderful! Don’t you think God is more knowledgeable than your friends? So, trust in Him and His Church, in Christ, Who died for you on the cross.
Part of me would like to die just to see the truth.
And you should be prepared when you die to see that truth, no?
I have been evangelized by every walk a life. Some people are very closed-off to hear or consider anyone else’s opinion. I am so scared of being “close-minded” that I accept everyone’s opinion.
There is nothing wrong with being"closeminded;" in our society, in fact, it seems like closeminded is a term used for one class of beliefs, and oenminded a term used for another class of beliefs, but the latter is actually at least as closeminded as the former!

Must run but will return later
I keep repeating the same mistakes. I do not understand God’s forgiveness. I almost always make the same mistakes. I want to know what is so good about living for God. I am doing it again, I joined a Catholic forum to ask for advice, an opinion, etc. I wonder why God created me the way I am. As much as I fully believe in free-will, I think God created us distinct. I have a friend I try to be like, I CAN NOT BE EXACTLY LIKE HER. We are just by nature DIFFERENT. No amount of imitating CAN MAKE ME HER.
It seems like there’s a context to the Original Post that is hinted at but too vague to get a grasp on. I realize that may be due to wanting to not reveal too much for a reason (avoiding gossip or something). But is there any way, OP, you can clarify the specifics just a bit more? :confused:
My family is a conglomeration of different denominations. .Methodist, nondenominational, pentecostal and Lutheran (me). It used to be extremely eventful at family gatherings until we decided discussions about religion was not a good idea. Each has their own “truth” depending on what is being taught.

I also lived in Berrien Springs, MI which is oretty much a 7th Day Adventist area. Of course they have the “truth” as well.

I am a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and don’t agree with all of the doctrines taught there. What I came to realize over the years is that the primary truth as a Christian is God sending His Son to die for all of us, rose from the dead, and is coming back tobtake us Home with Him. Thank God for sending His son to redeem us!
So we all go to Heaven? There is no sin? You don’t agree with your community yet you still are a member? That pretty much sounds like the dictatorship of relativism that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI warned about.
So we all go to Heaven? There is no sin? You don’t agree with your community yet you still are a member? That pretty much sounds like the dictatorship of relativism that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI warned about.
I don’t remember stating that there was no sin and, unfortunately not all will go to heaven. Jesus shed blood on the cross as our sacrifice and we are redeemed thru His blood. He is our advocate and he mediates for us once and for all because none of us are free of sin.
…I keep repeating the same mistakes. I do not understand God’s forgiveness. I almost always make the same mistakes.
We all keep repeating the same mistakes–that’s why God gave us the sacrament of Confession. Do you know the definition of a sacrament is “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace”? Think about that: 1. Christ gives us an outward sign of His forgiveness, knowing we are also physical and in need of that assurance, and 2. Confession gives us grace, which helps us to overcome our difficulties.

The main thing to do with repeated falls is to get up every time and try again, and remember, *we all have these difficulties. *Even the saints went to confession!
I want to know what is so good about living for God.
Who would not want to live for the One Who loves us with an infinite love? The One Who created us, the One Who died for us?

And by living for God we can become our very best selves, which is a nice addition to the above.
I am doing it again, I joined a Catholic forum to ask for advice, an opinion, etc. I wonder why God created me the way I am. As much as I fully believe in free-will, I think God created us distinct. I have a friend I try to be like, I CAN NOT BE EXACTLY LIKE HER. We are just by nature DIFFERENT. No amount of imitating CAN MAKE ME HER.
People are VERY different. It is difficult to imagine one God and one sets of standards for all of us.
Yes, we are all made different, but we are also all the same. In our human nature, we are the same. In our human personhood, we are each different.

It’s like a car: all cars are basically the same, because they have a “car nature,” cars is what they are. But each one is different, as one finds out when one goes to bu a used one 😉 This one has been well-maintained, this one has had a frame-bending accident, that one has a miss in the engine no one can figure out, this one just goes and goes.

So, we have certain standards for the maintenance of cars, and God has certain standards for the maintenance of us. Each human has basic needs which must be met: they all need to eat and drink, you can’t let any of them get too cold or too hot, etc. But they have their differences, too: this one can’t eat seafood, that one breaks his bones easily, the other one needs glasses,…
HERE IS ANOTHER BIG ISSUE I HAVE TO SAY. I think being close-minded and judgmental is wrong. Does it really make you that horrible of a person? Why isn’t it treated like any other personal flaw, shortcoming, etc? It makes me fear if I become very religious, I will become judgmental and close-minded.
Closemindedness is one of those things which can go any which way, and a good place is to be in the middle. Virtue and vice are like this: there is a virtue, say, bravery. Well, you can have too much bravery, which is foolhardiness, and you can have too little bravery, which is cowardice. *It is just as bad to be too brave as it is to not be brave enough. *In the same way, being somewhat closeminded is actually being sensible. Being *too *closeminded is bad–you can never learn anything. Not being closeminded enough leaves you open to every wacky idea, every con artist, every fad that comes down the pike.

Coming to believe that something is correct is not being too closeminded, *even if a lot of people disagree with you. *I think maybe the error comes in when one refuses to listen to other people, even tho you start off knowing they are wrong. So, if I meet Mrs. “Say this prayer and you’ll go to Heaven,” I need to listen to what she says rather than dismissing her, if only so I can tell where she is coming from and have her be polite enough to listen to me so I can explain what the Church teaches and why. But really, it’s more common humanity rather than an evangelizing tool.

But you don’t have to be so open-minded that you immediately agree with her without thinking it through, because what will happen when you talk with the next person, who is a Jehovah’s Witness, and you decide to ignore your mother’s birthday? And then you meet a Buddhist, who tells you you don’t need to believe in God? See? You would be pulled every which way by *too little *closemindedness.
I am not defending the Pharisees or anything. Were they really THAT BAD? I understand Jesus admonished them the most.
Yes, the Pharisees were *that bad, *because they knew the most and ignored it, using their knowledge only to gain and keep power over people and to further their own arrogance. Not nice!
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