I have a question. Do you believe that the terrible conditions you suffer bring you closer to Jesus? I only ask because iv’e read pieces here and there on how many of the saints have viewed suffering and what it meant to them. Some, it seemed, and i may be wrong, encouraged it. If i may also add, You, yourself , appear to have no one to point a finger of blame to for the cross you carry, Which is admirable and causes me to at least think. I have often pointed mine in God’s direction, even when i lack belief in Him, as i still do.
You’re not going to be believe the first reading this past Sunday.
*Reading 1 JB 7:1-4, 6-7
Job spoke, saying:
Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery?
Are not his days those of hirelings?
He is a slave who longs for the shade,
a hireling who waits for his wages.
So I have been assigned months of misery,
and troubled nights have been allotted to me.
If in bed I say, “When shall I arise?”
then the night drags on;
I am filled with restlessness until the dawn.
My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle;
they come to an end without hope.
Remember that my life is like the wind;
I shall not see happiness again.*
Followed by:
PS 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
He tells the number of the stars;
he calls each by name.
R. Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted.
At times I feel at peace, other times I feel like I’m being “Job’d out” (yes, I use this expression offline). I would say that like Job and Jacob this is leading me closer to Christ (and there’s plenty of souls in purgatory who are being freed due to my offering of this pain), but like Job and Jacob, I struggle. I get angry at God, I question God. I ask God why this is, why things are the way that they are. There are times I can do nothing but lie down and ask God and my wife “why?”. Times where I am bitter and envious of others who can do things that I cannot. Be reminded of things that I can no longer do as my body betrays me.
But make no mistake, there is a purpose. I was placed here for a reason. Pain reminds us we are alive, reminds us of purpose. The Lord will see me through this, as He does all of His servants. Either in this world or the world to come. He does not mind my anger, He does not mind my raging bitterness. He knows my heart’s desire, and He knows that I have purpose. He has provided for me a helpmate, and a heir - both of whom are irreplaceable. He has given me skills to aid in ministry - just last night I was volunteering at my church’s youth group, which I have done for eleven years now.
I have been given much. I have had much taken away. He knows how I feel, and through the Sacraments He sends me messages of peace between the storm.
Pardon my waxing poetic. I enjoy writing, and during the times I am physically able to I tend to get carried away.
You wrote about mental health. I am also familiar with some issues regarding mental health, only in that was in and out of one particular hospital the most and a couple of others, depending on where i was found sometimes. I found it intrusive and pointless because i did not wish to comply and it only led to my eventual release anyway. I was forced there on all occasion. Here in the UK is called “sectioning”, where, once “assessed”, you may not have a choice but to go there…Or be led there!
What i am trying to say, without offending, is that the choice is there for assisted suicide, but it is not forced, am i right? Please excuse my ignorance because i know little about all the details. I know little about most things.
If people are a danger to themselves or others, they need to be protected somehow. And that may include being placed in a secure area, where they can be treated. I know someone who was temporarily admitted once, it was the right thing to do then, and if she reaches that state once more it’ll happen again.
For assisted suicide, someone could present a choice, but you’re not protecting them or others from harming themselves or others. There’s also an illusion of choice; if people think that people are going to be 100% altruistic with this, they’re naive. They’re a burden, they have money, they have land, all sorts of reasons to either convince people to die, or become their legal guardian. Already happens in today’s system(s).