My very last thread, in any forum

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New member
After a lot of prayer, I have come to a decision. After this forum closes down, I’m not going to join another one, unless it is needed for business (such as a professional online network) or to find a wife (once the pandemic is over, and I start dating, I may use online dating as a backup method if God calls me to do so). This is not a criticism of this forum, but rather, a realization that Internet forums just aren’t good for me. I find them addictive, the cacophony of opinions gives me greater confusion rather than greater certainty (and sometimes leads me astray), and the disputes on various topics bring out the worst in me—I apologize to any of you whom I have offended.

Has anyone else come to a similar decision?
So true… it seems that in our anti-everything-Catholics-value modern world, whenever Catholics get together to strengthen their faith, it’s a net loss for our faith. Look at how many young people lose their faith in “Catholic” schools and World Youth Day because of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Socializing seems to lead to more conversions from the faith than to the faith, more lukewarmness than holiness, just like interfaith marriages. People seem to think the Bible’s many warnings about ungodly company are a lot of hot air instead of the Word of God. Modern culture and its influence on Catholics have become a kind of spiritual COVID-19.

If we had any sense, we would focus on our families and only interact with non-relatives for our families (work, dating, Mass, grocery shopping, etc.). That’s one of my New Year’s resolutions.
Somehow I expected more of a response… I guess some last words are in order: “Do not suppose, you Greeks, that my separation from your customs is unreasonable and unthinking; for I found in them nothing that is holy or acceptable to God.” -St. Justin Martyr
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