My wife and I

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I have led a VERY sinful past, I sin sin a lot but I’m slowly overcoming it. My wife and I have very similar pasts, we both were fornicators I was only with a few people, my wife however was with more, we both viewed porn as younger people me much more than her, both smoked pot, both some drinking, I’m a life long Catholic, who recently started taking my life more serious, my wife is a convert (1997), she too is now taking her life more serious.
Me: struggle very badly with self abuse, impurity, etc.
Wife: NEVER commits a mortal sin.

I go to confession anywhere from 2-4 times a month and ny wife goes once a year.

I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea I’m glad my wife is not a sinner like me. But why such a difference between us since we had so similar a past?

My wife does know about my struggles with the impurity, we can’t seem to figure out the difference, any idea’s?
This is only a reflection of my own because I too was a wild child.When I was younger and fornicated(which I regret).For me it wasn’t lust it was a search for love or rather the misunderstanding that sex always equates being loved and the porn was usually around other people not to feel “different” or rigid:nope: I think a lot of young womwne in the quest for love really make horrible decisions to fornicate,because they really just don’t understand the true nature of love.Maybe because your wife knows you love her it is easier for her:)
My wife does know about my struggles with the impurity, we can’t seem to figure out the difference, any idea’s?
Try not to compare yourself to your wife or anyone. Some of us take a little longer to understand exactly why we need to change. Perhaps she is ‘getting it’ a little faster than you and that is OK. Hopefully she will be patient, understanding and pray extra hard for you. You need to ask God to help you understand the need for change. The desire to be better for God is all we need to do along with our best effort. Understand that there may be some weaknesses that will be with you till you die. God knows when we are trying. In the meantime (till the day we die) embrace the beautiful mystery of yourself. Embrace the Mystery of God. Embrace the Mystery of God in you. This is salvation.
Try not to compare yourself to your wife or anyone. Some of us take a little longer to understand exactly why we need to change. Perhaps she is ‘getting it’ a little faster than you and that is OK. Hopefully she will be patient, understanding and pray extra hard for you. You need to ask God to help you understand the need for change. The desire to be better for God is all we need to do along with our best effort. Understand that there may be some weaknesses that will be with you till you die. God knows when we are trying. In the meantime (till the day we die) embrace the beautiful mystery of yourself. Embrace the Mystery of God. Embrace the Mystery of God in you. This is salvation.
Yes, we all have had weaknesses. Try not to beat yourself up: this is the devil, not God. I am not going to be one of those that is scandalized my the littlest fault in another who is Catholic. I know people like that and it boils my blood not because they don’t tolerate any fault, we should never tolerate sin, but because in doing so they think they are perfect, and this is pride. I have had a so called friend who was like this, and she was scandalized my any little fault because she had the need to put me on a high horse. This was do maybe was do because she needed to put someone on one, as per her dad walked out on her, and she resents her mom. This woman who is hence not psychologically her age: 28, really cannot accept what she her own faults which she sees in others. Either this or she just needs to grow up, and realize life is no bed of roses, and we battling with eveil: 1.the wolrd 2.the devil. the flesh. But again, I am sure you too have run into these insecure types.
We all grow by our experiences and struggles to overcome regrets/sins of the past. Concentrate on the positive - you recognize what you do not want and are working on becoming the holy person you are called to be. Keep regular prayer a part of your daily life and keep walking the path to holiness - that’s where your focus should be- not on your failings. Perhaps that’s where your wife’s focus is and why you see more progress in her. Carrie
We all grow by our experiences and struggles to overcome regrets/sins of the past. Concentrate on the positive - you recognize what you do not want and are working on becoming the holy person you are called to be. Keep regular prayer a part of your daily life and keep walking the path to holiness - that’s where your focus should be- not on your failings. Perhaps that’s where your wife’s focus is and why you see more progress in her. Carrie
I go to confession anywhere from 2-4 times a month and ny wife goes once a year.

I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea I’m glad my wife is not a sinner like me. But why such a difference between us since we had so similar a past?

My wife does know about my struggles with the impurity, we can’t seem to figure out the difference, any idea’s?
First I would like to congrats for going to confession as often as you do. :clapping:

Second, you can not measure level of a persons faith by number of visits to the confessional. If that was the case your wife would be a saint incomparison even to the pope! (It could be true, but I am guessing not)

A little note to help with the temptations of sin: say the prayer “Jesus help me” when the temptation to sin is there.
I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea I’m glad my wife is not a sinner like me. But why such a difference between us since we had so similar a past?
My wife does know about my struggles with the impurity, we can’t seem to figure out the difference, any idea’s?
Ah, the difference between men and women. Your brain is flooded with testosterone and craves s-x. She has cyclical hormones and craves chocolate instead. If chocolate was a mortal sin you’d be even.

On the other hand, she might make a closer inspection of the sins of pride and perhaps gluttony. I’ve heard that even the pope goes to confession at least once a week.

You might also try redirecting your impulses - romance her, let her know you prefer her over movies and solo acts, devote your attention to her instead of yourself, ask for reciprocation, and encourage the magic of licit marital bedroom behavior to occur more frequently. 👍
I have led a VERY sinful past, I sin sin a lot but I’m slowly overcoming it. My wife and I have very similar pasts, we both were fornicators I was only with a few people, my wife however was with more, we both viewed porn as younger people me much more than her, both smoked pot, both some drinking, I’m a life long Catholic, who recently started taking my life more serious, my wife is a convert (1997), she too is now taking her life more serious.
Me: struggle very badly with self abuse, impurity, etc.
Wife: NEVER commits a mortal sin.

I go to confession anywhere from 2-4 times a month and ny wife goes once a year.

I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea I’m glad my wife is not a sinner like me. But why such a difference between us since we had so similar a past?

My wife does know about my struggles with the impurity, we can’t seem to figure out the difference, any idea’s?
Shameless - You are with the right religion.

***The Catholic Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints. ***

This is an expression I have no idea who invented - maybe a good many grandmothers.

All you can do is work at it. Sins of impurity, while bad, can often be mitigated by addiction or other circumstances. Sins of passion are the most difficult to control and the Lord is most interested in how hard we try to control them, even if we don’t always succeed. Of course, it is important to keep going to confession.

I think you will find, that if you have not already, finding a single confessor that you can deal with face to face as long as you have a particular addiction, is the best remedy. It makes you try harder, but if you fall, its ok to go back.

I suggest finding someone new that you’ve never confessed sins to before, and especially if you can find a local monastery. You may have one in your area and not even know it. You have no idea just how many people priests counsel out of addictions. In one post on this forum, one spoke of how he counseled a young man for four months working through his addictions.

If you want to stop badly enough, you need to use some toughlove on yourself. I did - and it worked, quickly.

With my particular addictions (and I have had many varieties of them - in fact, most people do if they look hard enough - i.e.gossip, lashing out at people, etc.), I needed to dig into the attitudes that fueled them. The requirements I placed on myself to stop were:
  1. One confessor, face-to-face
  2. Must tell confessor “why” I did it and what led up to it.
  3. Confess the attitudes, not just the sins (requires a deep dive).
I spoke before of the ladder of temptation and I shared that model with the priest when I went in. This led to another requirement should I have to come back…
  1. How far up the ladder of temptation was I when I fell (goes to how hard one fights)
  2. There is always a moment when you can say “no”. When did it first strike - on the first rung of the ladder? If so, why did I delay getting down?
  3. What was I doing in the first place that caused me to land on the ladder of temptation. Sometimes it happens through no fault of our own. However, if it came during a favorite TV program, then I have learned this is the limb I need to cut off " if your right arm causes you to sin…"
Now, I had to go back to the same priest for other things (for a change) and I was able to tell him that this remedy the Lord had given me was highly effective. It was the deterrent I needed and the incentive to work harder. Father had given me an entire Rosary - my stiffest penance ever and I asked her for help. She did. A week later I found myself on the Ladder of Temptation and I detected that first moment to say, “No”. At that point, I could hear the Blessed Mother in my heart say:

“Step down now without delay because if you dwell there and end up on that second rung, you will have to tell my Son through your confessor that you ignored His Mother”.

Lemme tell you, I got down quickly and went about other things - which proved to be the key. Now I’ve learned the art of self-discipline in one regard - do not dwell and remove yourself from the situation ASAP.

What I discovered after one sinful habit came abruptly to an end was that a dam had broke lose and for the first time in many years, I found lots of other things that required work and that is what we discuss now.

Trust me, there is nothing I can’t place on Father’s desk face-to-face after I emptied my closet that first day. I can tell him anything now and that is good because for the first time, I’m making spiritual progress.
Dear friend

Christ Jesus spent almost all of His time sitting, eating, drinking and talking with the sinners, not those who were deeming themselves not to be sinners or those who rejected Him. He is very close to you, to your wife and to all souls that are sinners. When we are graced to become free of mortal sin, though we commit venial sins all of our lives, Jesus comes and makes a home in you, in your soul and you are in Him.

Jesus is present with you all of the time, day and night, day after day every second of the day all of your life. Your desire to be Holy is what He sees, even though you may fall into sin, you desire to do as He Wills of you. He gave us the most beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation because He knows how hard our struggles against sin are, He wants to forgive you and He wants to bestow graces upon you to keep you from sin. He desires to recreate you by the power of the Holy Spirit into a beautiful unique vessel for Him to dwell in. Does that make you think of the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary? It makes me think of her. Turn to your Blessed Virgin Mother Mary and ask her to pray for you.

It’s totally useless to compare ourselves to other people, even to members of our own family. Your wife should not boast of her freedom from mortal sin, we can boast about nothing of ourselves, it is God that perfects the imperfect. Perhaps it was simply your wife submitted her will more quickly than yourself, who cares what she did ( we cannot strive to be like any other person but Christ Jesus) though I will praise God for her and be glad for her, I cannot compare myself to anyone but to Christ Jesus and the greatness of His Glory and Splendour. To Christ Jesus I will always fall short of Him, I can only strive to be Christ-like and that is the INTENT of my will, that is what He looks to and graces in souls.

No-one will achieve perfection in this life. We make repeated daily conversions to the truth and we do that by our will and intent joined to God’s every single day. We cannot look any further beyond the day. Your wife is free of mortal sin daily and no more than daily. You may like to pray the prayer of St Therese of Liseux:

Just For Today

***Lord, for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray; ***

Keep me, my God from stain of sin just for today.

Help me to labour earnestly and duly pray;

Let me be kind in word and deed, Father, today.

Let me no wrong or idle word unthinking say;

Set Thou a seal upon my lips through all today.

Let me in season, Lord, be grave, in season gay;

Let me be faithful to Thy grace, dear Lord, today.

And if today, this life of mine should ebb away,

Give me Thy Sacrament Divine, Father, today.

So for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray;

Still keep me, guide me, love me, Lord, through each day.

continuation one

No-one will enter heaven for being like their wife or like their brother or sister, they will enter heaven for being like Christ Jesus and that is very individual and unique in your personality. Rejoice for your wife, but as she enters ever closer to God the path is harder and the small print in the call from sin is even higher. She will have to examine her conscience much more closely as all people do who enter ever nearer to God. Maybe God took Mercy on her and graced her not to commit these sins but her tests of faith possibly will be of a different nature to your own even though the sins you struggle with are similar does not mean God will teach you lessons in the same way.

‘To whom much is given, much is required’

You mustn’t look at your wife and think she is better than you because it appears she refrains from mortal sin, this is not good for your marriage. She is not better than you and God loves you equally, God has no favourites and is not a regarder of persons.

Support each other and pray for each other. Merit is won by refraining from sin, good works and Love, it is a threefold effort.

You love God greatly because though you struggle, as we all do with some sin or other, you repent and repeatedly recommit your will to His, this is what He asks of you and this is what you are doing. A faithful heart will be graced. Be merciful, to others and to yourself, accept God’s forgiveness for all the past sins of your life and in doing so accept His peace.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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