We traditionally pray the sorrowful mysteries on Tuesdays and the glorious mysteries on Wednesdays- Why is this? It seems to me that this practice is out of sync with the ancient liturgical practice of fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays. Since the time of the apostles, Wednesday and Friday have always been days of penance (Wednesday in honor of Our Lord’s betrayal and Friday in honor of His passion and death) - in the Latin Church, emphasis on Wednesdays gradually decreased, but we still see remnants of it in Ember days and during Lent (particularly Ash Wednesday). Among our Eastern brothers and sisters, both Catholic and Orthodox, all Wednesdays and all Fridays are still generally maintained as days of fasting. I believe that in the West many of the religious orders still keep the penitential nature of Wednesday. My question is - why do we pray the glorious mysteries on Wednesday and the sorrowful on Tuesday? Why isn’t it the reverse?