While the church teaches the power of free will, there are some conflicts with that belief.
For example, St. Therese, the little flower, once asked God why some people in the world are born into the world only to die without ever knowing God.
God revealed to her that we are all like flowers in his garden. Some will be roses and lilies while others are little wildflowers.
In this revelation, does the concept of free will actually exist? If God has already predetermined who will be the rose and who will be the wildflower, then how can free will exist?
St. Augustine spoke of the concept of evil not existing at all—there are only varying levels of good for God could never create something evil.
If that’s the case, then why should anyone be punished when no act is truly evil?
There are mysteries even the Catholic Church has yet to understand
Originally Posted by PelagiathePenit
While the church teaches the power of free will, there are some conflicts with that belief.
“conflicts” is a strong word. Maybe “mystery” like the interaction of grace with free will. “conflict” seems to indicate the impossible.
For example, St. Therese, the little flower, once asked God why some people in the world are born into the world only to die without ever knowing God.
But they do know God, in some way. And as St. Paul said that everyone has the natural law written on their hearts which comes from God. This implies that these people are created good people tho they have not had their adoption as children of God. Although we don’t know what happens to these people at death, we do know for sure that God is loving, kind, and just, revealed by Jesus.
God revealed to her that we are all like flowers in his garden. Some will be roses and lilies while others are little wildflowers.
This is just another way that Jesus himself said that the good seed produces 100 fold, or 60 fold, or 30 fold.
In this revelation, does the concept of free will actually exist?
I don’t know that it is a revelation, but isn’t it something we already know just thru our own experience … that we choose all the time about many different things? Going to the grocery store, there are long isles of breakfast food from which to choose. We decide what street we live on and what job we want to do. Whether to cut the lawn or let it go for a couple more days. To eat chicken or beef tonight. And so on in the list of choices we make every day. We know we are free.
If God has already predetermined who will be the rose and who will be the wildflower, then how can free will exist?
Aren’t these things decided by nature thru developement over time? And others are developed by man himself thru domestication. I’ not sure how to express this, but isn’t it mother nature herself that decides all of this, which includes using man as her tool as well.
Having said this, dosen’t God love the rose as much as the dandelion being the creator of both indirectly thru time.
St. Teresa was expressing the idea that God give graces as he wishes, more or less, but always enough. But she didn’t go into the idea that God also blesses us more the more we cooperate with him in seeking his will.
St. Augustine spoke of the concept of evil not existing at all—there are only varying levels of good for God could never create something evil.
It does say in scripture that God creates evil. But … there are different kinds of evil to consider. For instance, God told king David that his son would die because of his murder of another. It was a punishment. Hell is a punishment as well even tho men are the ones who put themselves there by their own ill doing.
If that’s the case, then why should anyone be punished when no act is truly evil?
But there are acts that are intrinsically evil. That means they can never be done for any reason because they are evil in themselves … abortion … murder … blasphemy … adultery …
There are mysteries even the Catholic Church has yet to understand
A mystery is such because we cannot completely grasp it with the intellect, such as the Trinity. We may understand it in part, but never completely. But It is good to know it even partially because it helps us to understand many other things about God, and ourselves.
1 Samuel 16:7
God does not see as man sees; man looks at appearances but the Lord looks at the heart.