A few times here, I was told that evolutionary theory is somehow directly tied to new drug discovery. And that if evolution would give way to a creationist model, goodbye new drugs. While watching a science program on TV, I watched the drug discovery process in action. Hundreds of plastic tubes sitting in dozens of racks were given a measured dose of some substance in an effort to find out if it would kill whatever was in the tubes. Out of the few successes, the next job was to determine what effect the trial substance would have on living things, which is why laboratories use animals. If that goes well, the substance is considered for human trials. But even if the substance is approved for use, how often do we hear on TV, the following: “Some side effects may occur in a small percentage of individuals. These include liver failure, kidney failure, and heart failure.”
I am all for scientific research and new drugs to treat illnesses but I am against making a false link between evolutionary theory and new drug discovery. The more recent improvements in drug discovery involve using computers to gather and correlate information to save time and money. But there is no direct link to some evolution based formula and new drug discovery.
I am all for scientific research and new drugs to treat illnesses but I am against making a false link between evolutionary theory and new drug discovery. The more recent improvements in drug discovery involve using computers to gather and correlate information to save time and money. But there is no direct link to some evolution based formula and new drug discovery.